Things they say

It was in the bank, your Honour.
Gerard Obeid, son of corrupt Eddie Obeid, when asked where he got the money to pay for his $2.5 million house

I’ll bet you a million dollars now that I’m the member for Fairfax after the next election. If you’ve got a million dollars put it on the table.
Clive Palmer to journalist Tim Lester. Surprisingly he couldn’t take up the bet

A dose of Margaret Thatcher.
Mark Adamson, British chief executive of Fletcher Building, lays out what he thinks Australia needs

We are an oligopoly community. We shouldn’t fight it.
Liberal finance spokesman Andrew Robb tells food industry executives he’s not bothered by huge oligopolies controlling the Australian economy

If you don’t like Tony Abbott, don’t meet him, because when you do meet him he’s really a good bloke.
Warren Mundine, former Labor President and ex-Labor member, has a high opinion of Tony Abbott since he was made his Indigenous policy advisor

People who use web-based email today cannot be surprised if their communications are processed.
Google makes no apology for reading your emails


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Payman’s stand shows pressure on Albanese over Gaza still growing

Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation shows that the pressure on the Labor government over Gaza is still growing.

Israel fails to crush Gaza resistance after nine months of horror

Israel has failed to achieve its goal of eliminating Hamas after nine months of war and the butchering of 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

Fighting for Gaza after the end of Sydney Uni encampment

Although all encampments except those at Canberra, Wollongong and Newcastle have ended, the Palestine movement has emerged stronger from the experience.