Transphobia runs deeper than anti-trans bigots

Transphobic mobilisations must be opposed, writes Sophie Cotton, but this should be linked to a fight against the broader institutional transphobia in the political mainstream

Official transphobia legitimises the far right

The appearance of a handful of Nazis at the “Let Women Speak” rally in Melbourne last weekend has caused a furore.

Katherine Deves’ outright bigotry derails Morrison’s transphobic campaign

Scott Morrison has refused to dump Katherine Deves as his candidate for Warringah despite appalling transphobic comments.

Morrison’s push for bigotry bill backfires

Scott Morrison has been humiliated after five Liberals crossed the floor in parliament to vote against him over amendments to the Religious Discrimination Bill.

Hundreds protest against anti-trans website

Staff, students and members of the NTEU union are organising against a transphobic website published at the University of Melbourne.

Socialism and transgender liberation

Pan Karanikolas reviews a new book on transgender oppression that argues winning the working class to the fight against oppression is the key to dismantling it

Morrison extends religious right to discriminate

In December, the Liberals released a second draft of their Religious Discrimination Bill.

Liberals announce new rights to religious bigotry

The Liberals’ new religious discrimination bill is designed to undermine the victory for marriage equality and promote the right to spread bigotry.

Terf wars: protesting transphobia at Melbourne Uni

Over 100 students and staff at the University of Melbourne took part in a protest in early August against an event hosted by the so-called Victorian Women’s Guild (VWG), a new transphobic lobby group formed around opposition to the Andrews Government’s proposed gender recognition reforms.

Religious freedom no excuse for Folau’s homophobia

The right has seized upon the sacking of football superstar Israel Folau to further a homophobic campaign in the name of “religious freedoms”.

Fight against LGBTI discrimination in schools far from over

On February 9 up to 100 people rallied in Melbourne to oppose discrimination in schools against LGBTI teachers and students.

Liberals’ ‘religious freedom’ review backs discrimination against teachers

The Morrison government has refused to commit to ending discrimination against teachers in religious schools, as it struggles to deal with the fallout from the leak of the Liberals’ “Religious Freedoms Review”.

Gender self-identification and trans rights in the UK

The UK is now facing its own moral panic targeting trans people, pushed by the right-wing—but sadly, their anti-trans campaign has been joined by some on the left.

40 years on—Mardi Gras’ radical history

The first Mardi Gras in 1978 was part of a struggle for gay liberation inspired by the radical politics of the 1970s, writes Geraldine Fela

Victory on equal marriage, but homophobia is far from finished

The overwhelming 61.6 per cent Yes vote for equal marriage is a victory against the Liberals, homophobia and the bigots behind the No campaign.

Migrants not responsible for No vote

In the aftermath of the marriage equality vote, attention has focused on NSW, which recorded the lowest level of support, and on Western Sydney in particular.

Homophobia of equal marriage’s opponents comes out

The “No” campaign is grounded in homophobia. But unbelievably, it has tried to present itself as the victim of abuse and intolerance.

Dissecting the moral panic over Safe Schools

Benjamin Law’s Quarterly Essay “Moral Panic 101” is a timely dissection of the 2016 backlash against the Safe Schools program, the non-compulsory set of resources that schools could use to progress toward eliminating LGBTI school bullying.

Equal marriage campaign must take on the bigots

It is right to point out that equal marriage is an issue of equal rights and ending discrimination. But the campaign for marriage equality will be the most effective blow against homophobia and transphobia in general if it takes on the wider bigotry as well.

Why equality alone won’t bring LGBTI liberation

Winning equal marriage will be a blow against bigotry, but homophobia and transphobia will persist until we get rid of capitalism and the family, write Amy Thomas and James Supple.

Postal vote a homophobic sham: Equal marriage now

The Liberals’ move to hold a postal vote on equal marriage has dramatically exposed Malcolm Turnbull’s hypocrisy. There is simply no need for it. Every poll shows that there is overwhelming public support for equal marriage—and that support has been increasing steadily.

Homophobic horror in Chechnya: a product of Putin’s power

Over 100 people in Chechnya have been tortured in secret detention centres many are calling concentration camps. This follows an anti-gay offensive pushed by Putin for the last several years.

Moonlight, a black gay film in hiding from itself

Ffor all the accolades and praise it has received so far, there really isn’t that much to Moonlight. One Guardian review proclaims “Moonlight portrays black gay life in its joy, sadness and complexity”. It’s hard to agree.

‘Poofter bashing’ was a sport, and police were in the game

A swathe of murders rocked the LGBT community in Sydney in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. So it was encouraging when SBS announced a series, Deep Water, focusing on the killings. The drama, however, is extremely disappointing.

Plebiscite failure puts heat on Turnbull over equal marriage

Malcolm Turnbull’s release of the details of his planned plebiscite on same-sex marriage has only hardened opposition to it.

Pile pressure on Turnbull as plebsicite plan falters

The Liberals’ plans for a plebiscite on equal marriage are now in serious doubt, with both The Greens and Nick Xenophon’s party deciding to vote against it.

Pressure back on for parliamentary vote on equal marriage

The close election result has thrown the issue of equal marriage back into uncertain territory.

Why Islam is not to blame for homophobia

Singling out Islam or religion in general misunderstands where homophobia comes from and why it persists, argues Amy Thomas.

Homophobic murder in Orlando—don’t let racists hijack grief

For the LGBTI community everywhere, the mass killing at gay club Pulse in Orlando feels very real and extremely personal. We have a duty not to let racist politicians exploit this horrible tragedy to further their Islamophobia, their racism, and their wars.

Victory as Safe Schools founder reinstated

Just days after her suspension, a combination of a legal challenge, staunch union support, and a wave of anger on social media, forced La Trobe management to back down and drop the allegations against Roz Ward.

Safe Schools outrage: Turnbull lets homophobes off the leash

In March, Tony Abbott proudly proclaimed that it’s his agenda that Malcolm Turnbull is taking to the election. But there’s at least one exception—when it comes to attacking LGBTI youth, Turnbull has gone further than Abbott dared.

No pride in detention: gays face prison and danger on Nauru

More than 100 people marched with the “No Pride in Detention” float at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. The float highlighted the plight of Nima and Ashkan (not their real names), two gay Iranian refugees on Nauru.

Turnbull stalls on equal marriage to please homophobic MPs

Part of the deal Malcolm Turnbull struck to take Tony Abbott’s job was promising to stick with his plan for a plebiscite on same-sex marriage after the next election.

Holding the Man: Life beyond homophobia

Though Holding the Man is a tragic tale, it’s also a story of hope and pride. The film is based on the play adaptation of Timothy Conigrave’s 1994 memoir of the same name.

‘Out of the closet and into the streets’: The Stonewall riot and LGBT liberation

It was the radical politics of the Gay Liberation movement that emerged from Stonewall that set in motion the shift in attitudes on LGBT rights, explains Amy Thomas

Newtown bashing exposes transgender oppression

The bashing of a transgender woman, Stephanie McCarthy, at Sydney’s Town Hall (Townie) pub in Newtown has exposed the discrimination and harrassment faced by transgender people.

Irish referendum: Equality, not austerity, the winner

In a historic referendum win, Ireland has become the first country in the world to recognise marriage equality by popular vote. The 62 per cent Yes vote on 22 May represents a resounding rejection of decades of institutional homophobia.

Same-sex marriage in sight as Abbott gives in

After years of stalling, same-sex marriage now looks possible before the end of the year. Tony Abbott has signaled his willingness to allow a conscience vote so long as the legislation is moved as a cross-party bill.

Inspiring story shows how solidarity breaks down divisions

Pride is the brilliant and true story of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, a solidarity group set up to raise money for British miners during their historic strike of 1984-1985.

Ian Thorpe’s battle a window into society’s homophobia

Swimming champion Ian Thorpe’s decision to come out has exposed how ingrained homophobia is in Australia.

Same-sex marriage anger turning on Abbott

Abbott and the Coalition should have been celebrating a victory when the High Court overturned the ACT’s same-sex marriage legislation. But their attempt to stick with a minority position against same-sex marriage is not doing the Coalition any favours.

Outpouring of protest after visa denied to gay Pakistani man Ali Choudry

A petition campaign to support the visa application of Ali Choudry generated huge support in a matter of hours in January.

Russia’s homophobia in Olympic spotlight

The upcoming Sochi Olympic Games have shone an international spotlight on Russia’s treatment of dissent.

Homophobic Abbott exposed by ACT same-sex marriage challenge

The ACT has become the first state or territory in Australia to recognise same-sex marriage, in a move that increases the pressure on Tony Abbott and is an important blow against homophobia. Darlene Cox, who is making plans to marry her partner in the ACT, told ABC, “It’s fantastic, it feels great. This is about enhancing my rights.”

Mardi Gras police violence—how far have we really come?

The YouTube video exposing the brutal attack by NSW police on Jamie Jackson at the recent Lesbian and Gay Mardi Gras has raised question marks over so many common...

Sexual liberation and the politics of pornography

Money Shot: A Journey into Porn and Censorship By Jeff Sparrow $29.95, ScribeThe left is tangled up in knots over the politics of pornography. Left-wing academics like Clive Hamilton are trying...

Newman’s first 100 days: slash-and-burn with a dose of bigotry

“Black Friday” is what many Queenslanders were calling June 28, when 3000 public servants became the first victims of new Liberal National Party (LNP) Premier Campbell Newman’s slash-and-burn agenda....

Here we Joh again: Campbell Newman and the Queensland LNP

The use of over 200 police to brutally bust up Brisbane’s Aboriginal Tent Embassy demonstrated newly-elected Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s style of government. It’s back to the era of...

Weekend: Honest depiction of homophobia in everyday life

Weekend Directed by Andrew Haigh Out now, selected releaseWEEKEND IS a beautiful and sad film about same-sex love. The most impressive and unique thing about this movie is how true to...

Labor conference fails to halt Gillard’s drive to the right

Labor’s national conference saw a greater challenge to the government’s right-wing policies than at the previous event in 2009, where then leader Kevin Rudd orchestrated proceedings to ensure there...

Equal love, equal rights: rediscovering the red in the rainbow

Amy Thomas reviews Hannah Dee’s The Red in the Rainbow, an essential look at why fighting homophobia means fighting the systemSince the federal election Julia Gillard has continued to...

Huge US march for LGBT equality hits Washington

On October 11 in a sunny Washington DC park I waited with fellow early arrivals to see if the call for a national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender march...

Bruno: A homophobic and tedious failure of a film

Review: Bruno Directed by Larry Charles, in cinemas nowDressed up as irony, this caricature of “gayness” is a boost for the bigots. Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest comic persona, is an...

The homophobia of Home and Away

CONSERVATIVE LOBBYISTS are claiming some success in forcing Channel Seven to cut scenes of a more passionate “lesbian kiss” from soap opera Home and Away. The demands for censorship...

Rudd repeats Howard ban on same sex unions

IN EARLY May, the Rudd government threatened to overturn the proposed civil unions bill for same-sex couples in the ACT, breaking a key election promise not to block the...

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