Current Issue

Payman’s stand shows pressure on Albanese over Gaza still growing

Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation shows that the pressure on the Labor government over Gaza is still growing.

Israel fails to crush Gaza resistance after nine months of horror

Israel has failed to achieve its goal of eliminating Hamas after nine months of war and the butchering of 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

Fighting for Gaza after the end of Sydney Uni encampment

Although all encampments except those at Canberra, Wollongong and Newcastle have ended, the Palestine movement has emerged stronger from the experience.

Universities crack down on student protests for Palestine

Melbourne Uni has brought misconduct charges against 21 students involved in the encampment for Gaza and the sit-in at Mahmoud’s Hall.

Pine Gap base aiding Israel’s operations in Gaza

The Albanese government is directly aiding Israel’s war in Gaza through allowing the sharing of intelligence information from the spy base at Pine Gap.

Dutton’s nuclear power plan aims to extend coal power

Coalition leader Peter Dutton has attempted to breathe new life into nuclear power as a serious energy policy option.

Children the losers as the right fights its reading wars

As if relishing his power to demoralise teachers and take the crisis in schools to new lows, Victorian Education Minister Ben Carroll has joined the other state and federal education ministers throwing their weight behind the right wing of the reading wars.

Eleven years of refugee torture, enough!

Eleven years ago, on 19 July 2013, the then Labor Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, announced that the government had struck a deal to transfer all asylum-seekers who arrived by boat to Manus Island in PNG.

British Labour takes office but little enthusiasm on show

Labour won a big majority in Britain’s election. But the results saw a surge towards the far right Reform UK party while pro-Palestine independents won five seats.

How can the rise of France’s fascists be stopped?

Despite the fascists’ failure to take government in France, they will continue rising if the left relies on electoral deals to halt them, argues Cooper Forsyth

Why are union leaders dragging their feet over Palestine?

Chris Breen examines why most union leaders still haven’t mobilised their members to support Palestine, despite the efforts at rank-and-file action

Islam, imperialism and the fight for change

Islamic politics inspire some of the most powerful movements against imperialism in the Middle East. Luke Ottavi looks at how the left should respond

Why revolution is the only route to real change

Radical parties that have tried to introduce sweeping change through parliament have continually failed, argues James Supple, because the system is set up to stop them

Pressure gets to Albanese as anger at genocide complicity grows

The pressure from eight months of protests is getting to the government. Albanese has launched a wild series of attacks on Palestine protests and The Greens.

Wider support needed to force universities to break ties with Israel

The Gaza solidarity encampment at the University of Sydney has rejected an offer from management designed to have the camp clear out “and not resume”.

Construction workers walk off to support ANU encampment

Construction workers walked off the job at ANU in Canberra to support the Gaza solidarity encampment after a series of threats from the university.

Palestine activist expelled at ANU

ANU has decided to expel student activist, Palestine supporter and participant in the encampment, Beatrice Tucker, for comments they made in an ABC radio interview.

Labor dancing to Dutton’s racist tune on immigration detainees—again

On 7 June, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles caved in yet again to the Coalition’s relentless racist campaigning against immigration detainees.

Reject Dutton’s racism—migrants aren’t to blame for housing crisis

Liberal opposition leader Peter Dutton is blaming migrants for the housing crisis gripping Australia but it is rich Australian investors and the government that are to blame.

CFMEU strikes for safety and conditions on Brisbane’s Cross River Rail

Construction workers on Brisbane’s $7 billion Cross River Rail project staged a one-week strike last month as part of a major dispute over substandard conditions.

NSW Labor funds coal power extension in climate failure

The Minns Labor government in NSW has struck a deal with Origin Energy to extend the life of the coal-fired Eraring power station from its original closure date of 2025 until 2027.

British Labour set for office as purge against the left continues

Britain’s Labour Party is a near certainty to win the snap general election on 4 July.

University of California workers strike for Palestine

More than 30,000 workers across six campuses of the University of California have taken weeks of strike action in solidarity with Palestine protests on campus.

Voters punish ruling ANC in South African election

The African National Congress, the party of Nelson Mandela, has slumped below 50 per cent of the vote for the first time in the general election held at the end of May.

Palestine movement can’t afford to dismiss Labor dissidents and unionists

Involving dissenting Labor members in the Palestine movement is necessary to pull in the large number of Labor supporters and unionists we need to win, argues Ian Rintoul

The Kanaky-New Caledonia revolt and imperialism in the Pacific

Riots in Kanaky-New Caledonia are a response to France’s attempts to rule out any hope of independence for the Indigenous people, writes Paddy Gibson.

Workers and the alternative to capitalism

The history of workers’ struggles shows the possibility of a socialism based on mass democratic control of society, writes Judy Cox.

Public servants attacked over open letter opposing Israeli arms trade

More than 2000 public servants have signed an open letter since 30 May, condemning the Australian Government for its complicity in the Palestinian genocide.

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