Stop the Intervention

Get involved in the campaign to stop the racist Northern Territory Intervention and the expansion of Income Management

Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney (STICS)
STICS is an open collective of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people committed to forcing the Rudd government to scrap the NT Intervention and create policies which support and empower Aboriginal communities.

Meetings first and third Mondays of the month
6pm NSW Teachers Federation Building, Level 1, 23-33 Mary Street Surry Hills
(turn off Elizabeth st at Albion St and left onto Mary street) See map.
Everyone welcome. For further information call Jean 0449 646 593 or email: stoptheintervention [at]


Alice Springs

Intervention Rollback Action Group (IRAG)

Darwin Aboriginal Rights Coalition

For recent articles from Solidarity on the NT Intervention see here


Solidarity meetings

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