Issue 18 - Oct

Market policies killing solar power

Climate negotiations were high on Kevin Rudd’s agenda during his visit to the US for the G20 meeting. Rudd tried to position himself as the global face of action,...

Statement: Population is not to blame for climate change

Open letter to the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and Labor MP Kelvin Thompson We are shocked and angered that the ACF has supported Labor MP Kelvin Thompson’s calls to cut...

Coking coal not the best target for climate movement

The expansion of the coal industry exposes the fraud of Kevin Rudd’s claims that his government is tackling the climate crisis. The likelihood that the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme...

Rudd’s policy the cause of Solar Systems collapse

David Turner, who worked at Solar Systems before its collapse, talked to Solidarity about the lack of government support for the company and the solar power industry in Australia...

Solar systems campaign unites jobs and climate

The campaign to save Solar Systems holds the potential for uniting the fight for jobs and renewable energy. Its factory in Abbotsford, Victoria currently sits idle after 100 workers were...

Intervention fuels racist violence in Alice Springs

The bashing murder on July 25 of young Aboriginal man, Kwementyaye Ryder, by a group of five white men highlights the violent extremes of racism festering in Alice Springs. Police claim...

Punitive welfare won’t improve education

Conservative Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson has used recent school attendance figures to trumpet the success of the punitive Family Responsibilities Commission (FRC). The FRC, designed by Pearson’s Cape York Institute,...

Abortion laws on trial in Queensland

The horrible ordeal faced by the Cairns couple, Tegan Leach and her partner Sergie Brennan, charged “for procuring an abortion” is set to continue after they were committed to...

Bosses exploit hidden nasties in Rudd’s new work laws

Labor’s Fair Work Act has lifted the sense of intimidation felt about union membership among many workers. Australian Bureau of Statistics figures from earlier this year showed a 3 per cent...

‘Green shoots’ of recovery don’t signal an end to the crisis

“Green shoots” is the buzzword of economic commentary over the last few months. They are meant to re-assure us that the global crisis will not be as bad as...

How long can China’s economic revival last?

A good deal of the official optimism about the Australian economy’s prospects is based upon the belief that Australia’s number one trading partner, China, can lead us out of...

Movement spoils coup plans in Honduras

After a number of failed attempts, deposed President Manuel Zelaya unexpectedly returned to Honduras in late September and took up residence inside the Brazilian embassy. Crowds gathered to continue protests...

Afghanistan: why the West is losing

Afghanistan has reached a turning point. Recent media headlines such as “where Empires go to die” and “Afghanistan: Tipping Point” signal that after eight years, the future of Western control...

Healthcare backlash against Obama

Right-wing hysteria has dominated the political debate about health care reform in the US. The Republican right wing has gained renewed traction with their bizarre claims that public health care would...

Sex, sexism and sport: the Caster Semenya case

Caster Semenya, world champion South African runner, is both “a woman… and a man!” So said the New York Daily News, days after the results of “gender tests” had...

Was the Second World War a war for democracy?

Seventy years after the end of World War II, it is still celebrated as the good war, a necessary war for democracy to counter the threat of fascism. This hides the reality of an imperialist war that cost 55 million lives with civilian causalities six times higher than in World War I.

Why socialists support nationalisation

As companies around the world sack workers and close their doors in response to economic crisis, Jasmine Ali demonstrates the importance of the demand for nationalisation  “State ownership of the...

Ten years of Australian control of East Timor

The tenth anniversary of East Timor’s vote for independence was marked on August 31, with around 650 Australian troops and 200 Federal Police still stationed there and likely to...

Film points finger at Australian complicity over deaths in Balibo

Balibo Directed by Robert Connolly, In cinemas nowBalibo, the film about six Australian-based journalists murdered by Indonesian troops as they invaded East Timor in October 1975, has been canned by...

Strike action hits sector, but Melb uni deal not good enough

National Tertiary Education University members at 16 universities across the country stopped work on September 16 as part of the NTEU national bargaining round to fight increased workloads, a...

Opposition to privatisation stays strong in Queensland

Anna Bligh was hoping that a combination of time and spin would be enough for Queensland workers to get used to her unpopular decision to privatise $15 billion worth...

Will Nathan Rees survive the NSW Labor conference?

The 2009 NSW Labor conference is shaping up to be a focal point of anger at the Nathan Rees government. At the Sydney Entertainment centre on the weekend of...

Bosses build their profits on toll of workers’ lives

Review: Framework of Flesh By Humphrey McQueen, Ginninderra Press, $30Noted Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen’s book on the builders’ labourers battle for health and safety, Framework of Flesh, was recommended to...

Inconsistent exposure of values that damage a family

Review: Beautiful Kate Directed by Rachel Ward, In cinemas nowRACHEL WARD’S film Beautiful Kate was hailed by some as a breakthrough moment for women in Australian cinema. The renowned female...

It’s time to unite

In July Aboriginal elders from the Ampilatwatja community began a walk-off protest against the Intervention. Solidarity spoke to Richard Downs, one of the protest leaders.Where has the idea...

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