Issue 31 - Jan (Wikileaks special)

Anti-Iran rhetoric exposes corrupt US allies

hawkish attitude toward Iran by many Arab leaders. Right wing commentators have used these reports to argue there is a new “international consensus” for a hard line against Iran.King...

Assange’s persecution is not about women’s rights

Julian Assange is now out of jail and faces his full extradition hearing on February 7 and 8. Shamefully, the Swedish government have used allegations of rape and sexual assault...

The real face of US power

WikiLeaks’ US embassy cables paint an unflattering portrait of the world’s sole superpower, argues James SuppleWIKILEAKS’ RELEASE of thousands of US diplomatic cables has enraged the American government. They...

Christmas Island tragedy—Australian government policies are to blame

Graphic footage of the wooden boat carrying up to 100 Iranian, Iraqi and Kurdish asylum seekers smashing onto the cliffs of Christmas Island on December 15 went around the...

Queensland floods: why will nobody talk about climate change?

JULIA GILLARD, Tony Abbott and Anna Bligh spent much of the Christmas period posing for the cameras in flood-ravaged Queensland. There was plenty of talk about tragedy, the need for...

Exposed by WikiLeaks

Solidarity lists some more of the most damning leaks from the diplomatic cables released so farUS bombings covered up in YemenYemen’s president Ali Abdullah Saleh admitted covering up for...

British student protests: a generation in revolt

Dave Sewell, a student activist from Britain, takes a look at the burgeoning movement of students against the education cutsIf I forget everything else, I’ll always remember November 10...

Australia in lockstep with the US in war on Wikileaks

Julia Gillard has mounted a vicious attack on WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, echoing the line of the US administration that he is a criminal. Both Gillard and her Attorney...

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