Issue 42 - Feb

Desperation in detention fuels need for Easter convergence

From April 6-9, refugee rights activists will again focus attention on the reality behind the detention wire. This Easter activists will converge on Darwin, which is quickly becoming the...

Challenging Labor’s plans for forced deporations of refugees

On February 8-9, an important case went before the High Court. The outcome—which won’t be known until at least March—will determine whether the Federal government can push ahead with...

Labor takes aim at people smugglers, but their detention policy is the real crime

At Labor's national conference in December, Julia Gillard and Immigration Minister Chris Bowen managed to drag Labor’s refugee policy even further to the right.While a Labor for Refugees’...

Behind the media beat up: Tent Embassy protesters have nothing to apologise for

Protests celebrating the Aboriginal Tent Embassy have been subject to a vicious media campaign, after a snap protest directed at Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard. This ridiculous beat-up was...

Stop Murdoch’s attack on The Greens—Defend Lee Rhiannon

The Australian newspaper is on the warpath against The Greens and Left Senator Lee Rhiannon again.The Murdoch rag famously called on voters to “destroy” The Greens in September 2010...

Hands off our education: Stop the jobs massacre at Sydney Uni

The University of Sydney is in a bid to slash 340 jobs. A staff and student campaign is gearing up to push them back. Academics will be sacked on the...

After a ten week lock out, Schweppes workers pushed into arbitration

After a ten week lock out, 150 United Voice workers at Schweppes distribution and processing factory in Tullamarine, Victoria, are back inside the gate. The workers had been maintaining...

Gillard caves in to bosses’ demands with Fair Work review

Julia Gillard has caved in to business complaints about her workplace laws by announcing a review of the FairWork legislation. This comes after months of howling from business that...

NSW TAFE ballot: A wasted chance to beat O’Farrell’s laws

The leadership of the NSW Teachers Federation has shamefully squandered an opportunity to strike a serious blow against the O’Farrell Liberal NSW government. In mid-February, NSW TAFE teachers were set...

Senis workers keep union agreement—now for pay and permanency

Over 50 enthusiastic Sensis Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) members held a lunchtime protest last October to stop the company’s attempt to undermine their union agreement (the Advertising and...

US and Israel’s self-serving fear campaign against Iran

The US and Israel have ratcheted up threats and sanctions against Iran. The media presents Iran as aggressive and a danger to the region, hell bent on developing a...

Western intervention not the answer in Syria

Syrian President Assad’s brutal crackdown on the city of Homs has killed up to 400 people in the space of a week, as the country’s heroic revolt continues after...

Anger as the West’s regime sells Libyans short

In January an angry crowd of some 2000 people stormed the offices of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) in Benghazi, the birthplace of the Libyan revolution. NTC leaders...

Tent Embassy 1972: “Land rights or else”

The establishment of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in 1972 was one of the high points of the Aboriginal rights movement. Solidarity looks at what it achieved and its relevance today

One year on—Egypt’s deepening revolution

Mass people power brought down Mubarak’s dictatorship one year ago. Amy Thomas and Ernest Price look at where Egypt’s continuing strikes and demonstrations are heading“Massive and effective street protest...

Contagious strikes: How China’s workers are fighting back

Ralf Ruckus is a labour researcher and activist studying Chinese workers’ struggles. His work can be found at He spoke to Solidarity on a recent visit to Australia.The...

World War I and conscription: How the unions fought to expel a Labor Prime Minister

Tom Orsag begins a series on Labor Party history with a look at the major split in the party during the campaign against conscription in WWILabor under Gillard and...

Ollie Butterfield: a loss to all struggles for justice

Solidarity would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Oliver Butterfield who died in a car accident on December 29, 2011.Ollie was a brilliant...

Weekend: Honest depiction of homophobia in everyday life

Weekend Directed by Andrew Haigh Out now, selected releaseWEEKEND IS a beautiful and sad film about same-sex love. The most impressive and unique thing about this movie is how true to...

Thatcher’s real legacy: rule for the rich

The Iron Lady Directed by Phyllida Lloyd In cinemas now Margaret Thatcher was a ruling class warrior whose policies created record unemployment and misery in Britain. Thatcher’s destructive legacy is obscured in...

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