Issue 77 - Apr

Detention protest stops Nauru transfers

While three single men were returned to Nauru from the Darwin’s Wickham Point detention centre on 16 April, protests inside the centre stopped the planned transfers of any asylum...

Open the borders or regional resettlement?

The death of Malcolm Fraser in March has brought renewed attention to the policies of his government regarding asylum seekers.

Selfish corporate giants dodging all the tax they can

Big business gave the Australian Senate the middle finger salute during Economics References Committee hearings into tax avoidance.

Abbott’s ‘Team Australia’ breeds racist ‘Reclaim Australia’ rallies

The racist, anti-Islam “Reclaim Australia” rallies only managed to attract a few hundred people each on Easter Saturday—but they are a sign that months of Abbott’s official racism and dog-whistling is giving encouragement to racism and the far right.

Liberal win in NSW election means fight against privatisation and WestConnex needed

After swings against the Liberals in the recent Victorian and Queensland elections, Liberal Premier Mike Baird managed to hold on in NSW.

Hell-Bent on slaughter for empire: Australia in WWI

On the eve of the outbreak of World War I, the British Cabinet was deeply divided. While PM Herbert Asquith was for war against Germany, a large proportion of the Cabinet members were opposed.

SDA kicks own goal as bosses target penalty rates

In March the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA) signed a “template” agreement with Business South Australia to reduce penalty rates for weekends, evenings and public holidays.

Power sale fight must spark into strike campaign

Workers at the NSW state-owned energy network operators went on strike in a series of stoppages over a stalled workplace agreement in March. They are also demanding job protections...

Imperialism intensifies Yemen’s crisis

At midnight on March 27 Saudi Arabia began a campaign of airstrikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen.The Saudis are leading the military assault as part of an alliance...

Anzacs who became opponents of war

Mythology about the Anzacs and the First World War is still used to justify militarism today. But for a number of the Australian soldiers that fought, the experience turned them into socialists and opponents of war.

Nothing to celebrate in Anzac: The bloody history of the British empire

The Gallipoli campaign was not about democracy, but defending the profits and colonies of the British empire, one of the most brutal the world has seen.

Rosa Luxemburg and opposition to WWI: 100 years since the Junius pamphlet

Paddy Gibson continues our series on resistance to the First World War by looking at Rosa Luxemburg’s famous anti-war pamphlet

Why workers and the left fought Fraser

Mark Gillespie recalls Malcolm Fraser’s years as Prime Minister and his role in toppling Whitlam to explain why he earned the hatred of the working class.

Police corruption: the whole system is rotten

Corrupt police are a natural product of policing under capitalism, argues Miro Sandev.

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