WA election sends message to Gillard—and The Greens

The Western Australian election held in early March was another straw in the wind for Julia Gillard.Liberal Premier Colin Barnett was returned with a thumping 8.7 per cent swing,...

Mining bosses will say anything to protect their profits

The mining companies’ hysterics are about maintaining their massive profits. This is an issue of class—with the rich defending their wealth from being taken to fund public spending.And they...

Gulf oil spill: seas sacrified for profits

It’s hard to grasp the awesome scale of the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster. It is definitely the US’s biggest ever...

Failure to spread benefits of boom hits WA Labor

Labor looks to have lost its monopoly on power at a state level in the WA election. Despite the extent of the boom in the WA economy, which has...

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