Things they say

“The effects of radiation do not come to people that are happy and laughing. They come to people that are weak-spirited, that brood and fret.”
Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, newly appointed as a medical adviser to Fukushima Prefecture, reassures Japan about the nuclear crisis

“There’s a good, a positive feeling in the air.”
Greens leader Bob Brown on the carbon tax negotiations

“It will drive certainty, it will drive investment, and so as a straight comparison between the two, that’s the choice”.
NAB chief executive Cameron Clyne give Gillard’s carbon tax the tick over Abbott’s policy

“The reform fatigue is visible in the streets of Athens, Madrid and elsewhere”.
European Union monetary affairs commissioner Olli Rehn accepts that working class people have had enough of “reforms”

“The Immigration Minister is always criticised no matter what we do”.
Chris Bowen on running the government’s refugee policy

“Upon leaving the parliament, I am contemplating the foundation of an organisation called the Friends of Carbon Dioxide.”
Liberal Senator Nick Minchin proves he’s ready to retire

“I actually admire what Kennett did. And I think we did a fair bit of that in Nick Greiner’s time”.
Paul Broad, the man handpicked by NSW Liberal Premier Barry O’Farrell to run his Infrastructure body

“I view it as likely from time to time that motions will be carried by the House of Representatives expressing a view about issues.”
Apparently they move motions in parliament, says Julia Gillard, in response to the motion condemning her “Malaysia Solution”


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