Thousands march against NSW privatisation plans

THOUSANDS OF union members marched last month against the NSW government’s plans to privatise electricity. Despite industry claims otherwise, two-thirds of the state is opposed to the policy.

The rally reflected this anger-but it was also clear that this is only the first step and that a much broader layer of this community opposition needs to be involved in the struggle.

A movement is needed that makes strong links with this sentiment, including those concerned about the impact of global warming.

Cate Faehrmann of the Nature Conservation Council (NSW) told the rally that a privatised electricity industry us a threat to the environment. She argued that private companies are interested in investing in coal or gas-fired power plants for short-term profit rather than renewable energy.

She argued that stopping the privatisation with be in the interests of both workers in the industry, whose jobs are threatened, and the environment.

By Michelle Hoogesteger


Solidarity meetings

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