Rights on sites

Join the campaign to abolish the Australian Building and Construction Commission. The Howard government set up the ABCC to cripple workers rights in the building industry. Unions are demanding the Rudd government shut it down. Check it out and sign the petition at www.rightsonsite.org.au


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Negotiations have failed—NSW nurses must call a strike now and prepare...

The Minns government has shown no sign of backing down from their paltry pay offer of 10.5 per cent over three years for all nurses and midwives.

Defend the CFMEU—no government administration, end the union bashing

Construction bosses and both state and federal Labor governments have seized on the opportunity to launch an attack on one of the strongest unions in the country.

Why are union leaders dragging their feet over Palestine?

Chris Breen examines why most union leaders still haven’t mobilised their members to support Palestine, despite the efforts at rank-and-file action