Welcome to our new site

Welcome to Solidarity’s new website. The site aims to be a resource where you can read our analysis of news and events, stay up to date with what’s happening within social movements and delve deeper into the history of resistance, Marxist theory and debates on the left.

Solidarity publishes a monthly magazine, and the full text of the print version will appear on the website shortly after printing. But in addition we will add regular web updates on major developments in Australian and global politics.

In particular we aim to give voice to the grassroots social movements and union work our group is involved in, by posting reports on major public meetings, protests and events. In addition to written reports we will be adding photos and audio to help bring these campaigns to life. The site is also designed as a portal into upcoming protests and events so that you can stay up to date with these campaigns, as well as Solidarity’s own events.

We hope you will come back to the site regularly over the next few months as it gets going. We also want your feedback on our articles and how we can improve the site generally. But most importantly we hope the site helps build the struggles we are part of, and the growth of radical and socialist organisation within them.


Solidarity meetings

Latest articles

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Payman’s stand shows pressure on Albanese over Gaza still growing

Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation shows that the pressure on the Labor government over Gaza is still growing.

Israel fails to crush Gaza resistance after nine months of horror

Israel has failed to achieve its goal of eliminating Hamas after nine months of war and the butchering of 38,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

Fighting for Gaza after the end of Sydney Uni encampment

Although all encampments except those at Canberra, Wollongong and Newcastle have ended, the Palestine movement has emerged stronger from the experience.