457 visas

Sign-on statement: Migrant workers don’t take jobs – Oppose Turnbull’s racism

Turnbull’s recently announced changes restricting temporary work visas and further tightening the citizenship application process are an effort to mimic Donald Trump and use racism to boost the government’s declining electoral support.

Don’t fall for Turnbull’s racist campaign against migrant workers

In a further slide to the right, Malcolm Turnbull has announced the end of 457 visas and new tougher citizenship requirements for migrants. Racist Pauline Hanson celebrated the moves as the work of One Nation.

Turnbull scraps 457 visas to launch new racist campaign

Malcolm Turnbull has announced the end of 457 visas, a move celebrated by racist Pauline Hanson as the work of One Nation. The government is scapegoating temporary migrant workers for unemployment in an effort to win back One Nation voters and present itself as “protecting the borders”.

Labor’s attack on 457 workers is racist scapegoating

Bill Shorten has stepped up his attack on 457 visas in the wake of Trump’s election in the US.

China deal: the issue is exploitation, not immigration

The debate over the Liberals’ China-Australia free trade deal (ChAFTA) has taken centre stage in federal politics. The problems with the deal are real. But there is no excuse for rhetoric blaming foreign workers for unemployment or taking jobs.

Oppose corporate agenda of China FTA, not Chinese workers

In June, the Australian government finalised a Free Trade Agreement with China (ChAFTA), a move hailed as a breakthrough by Liberal politicians and business organisations like the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Answer to Liberals’ 457 changes is solidarity with migrant workers

Not surprisingly, the Coalition’s “independent” inquiry into 457 visas has recommended a number of changes all designed to make it easier for bosses to work the 457 system.

Small step towards justice for Jessie

Jessie Cayanan faced deportation last October after his 457 visa ran out, but has now been granted a Bridging Visa E with work rights. Most Bridging Visa Es don’t come with work rights, so this a minor victory for the campaign to grant him permanent residency.

Justice for Jessie: 457 worker needs our solidarity

Jessie Cayanan, a 457 visa worker from the Philippines, faces deportation after being ripped off by the company that brought him here. Filipino migrant organisations in Melbourne rallied in...

CFMEU election ads encourage xenophobia

The CFMEU’s election advertising against 457 visas shows the appalling xenophobia that some unions are playing with. The union is running TV ads that claim “temporary overseas workers” will...

New report shows 457 claims are scaremongering

The Gillard government is continuing its campaign of scaremongering about 457 visa workers. It has announced new laws requiring mandatory “labour-market testing” for jobs before employers are able to...

The other foreign workers—exploitation, racism and international students

The collapse of Swan Cleaning has brought to light the exploitation of international students in Australia. Nearly 2500 workers, most of them international students, have lost their jobs. Because...

Fight for jobs stalls—now Sensis want to police behaviour

Sensis has launched a new attack on its workers, with management proposing to introduce a new behaviour based pay system.Sensis management are confident to go on the attack...

Understanding immigration and 457 visas

The increased use of 457 visas is part of a broader shift in Australia’s migration program over the past few decades, explains Penny HowardAustralia’s immigration rules have always served...

Canberra 457 workers’ dispute shows how to fight for rights

A group of 457 migrant visa workers in Canberra have shown how to stand up against exploitation and demand equal rights.The group of mostly Korean workers employed in...

Gillard steps up scapegoating of 457s and foreign workers

Julia Gillard has added her voice to the false claims that migrants are to blame for unemployment by joining the scapegoating of 457 migrant visa workers.The Prime Minister made...

Anti-457 campaign is an attack on foreign workers

Julia Gillard's new rhetoric about foreign workers has been welcomed by the unions, who have been leading a campaign for “Aussie jobs” against 457 visa holders. A number of...

Facts tell the real story: 457 workers are not taking jobs

Julia Gillard and union leaders haven’t let the facts about 457 visa workers get in the way of their scare campaign. But the facts reveal that 457 workers are...

Blame the bosses, not foreign workers: Gillard steps up scapegoating of 457s and foreign workers

It is now clearer than ever that the attacks on 457 visa workers are being used to whip up xenophobia against foreign workers. Last week Julia Gillard added her...

‘Aussie’ jobs or jobs for all? Fight the bosses, not 457 workers

The picket of Melbourne’s City West Water construction site, effectively demanding the sacking of 457 visa workers, shows just how dangerous and divisive the unions’ “Aussie jobs” campaign really...

Open letter to the left – welcome 457 visa workers

Dear Comrades,Over recent weeks there have been a number of union rallies, particularly in Western Australia, around slogans such as, “Local workers first” or “Aussie jobs first”.The unions’ “Local...

Fightback in the workplace is the way to save jobs

“The very week when workers are being given their marching orders out of a job at Kurri Kurri and Tullamarine, 1700 Chinese workers are given the go-ahead to march...

The facts: understanding 457s and temporary work visas

What is a 457 visa?A 457 visa is a temporary visa allowing someone to work in Australia for four years.It is designed to allow employers to deal with skill...

Immigration is not to blame for cuts to jobs and wages

The suggestion that bringing 457 visa workers from overseas is coming at the expense of “local jobs” reinforces the myth that immigration causes unemployment and drives down wages.In...

Racism, White Australia and the union movement

Jasmine Ali examines how racism has affected the history of the union movement in Australia, as well as the history of anti-racism within the movementThe furore over overseas workers...

Sign-on statement: welcome 457 visa holders into the unions

Gina Rinehart's Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA) for her Roy Hill project has sparked debate over the issue of "Aussie jobs" and 457 visas. This statement of union activists, anti-racists...

‘Local workers first’ campaign is no way to fight for jobs

Sadly, unions have stepped up their campaign against overseas 457 visas and the Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA) secured by Gina Rinehart in WA. Three thousand workers joined a rally in...

Union leader: how the AMWU has organised 457 visa holders

AMWU Western Australian State Secretary Steve McCartney spoke at a fringe meeting at the recent ACTU Congress on work his union has done fighting to organise 457 workers into...

457 visas and “Aussie jobs”: to fight for jobs, we have to fight together

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen’s announcement of an Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA) allowing Gina Rinehart’s Roy Hill project to employ 1700 overseas workers on 457 visas has produced a wave...

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