Issue 14 - Apr

Pearson postures over ‘wild rivers’

Noel Pearson has resigned as Director of the Cape York Institute (CYI), with much fanfare from his legion of supporters at The Australian. Pearson resigned after the Queensland state government,...

Speaking tour takes forward struggle against NT Intervention

The campaign against the Northern Territory Intervention is taking significant steps forward following a recent east-coast speaking tour by women from “prescribed” communities in the NT. The tour was timed...

Rudd’s carbon plan: the facts

The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) is the Rudd government’s central policy for dealing with climate change. The gap between rhetoric and reality is revealed starkly by a looking...

Climate movement needs to target CPRS

Organising groups in all states are preparing for upcoming climate change rallies around World Environment Day, likely to be Saturday June 13. The rallies are part of four national...

United union fight needed to beat NSW privatisations

A united cross-union campaign against the NSW government’s privatisation fire sale is needed, as prison workers continue their fight against privatisation. The latest announcement, made just before the Easter holidays,...

Rage at G20 meeting rocks London

A range of protests against the G20 summit in the UK captured public anger over the economic crisis. The city financial district was brought to a standstill on the...

Thailand: Army crackdown aims to silence ‘Red Shirt’ protests

Smoke from burnt out buses and fire bombs filled the streets of Bangkok this month as the Thai army launched a crackdown on the Red Shirt protesters who are...

Tensions behind Northern Ireland’s peace process

On July 28, 2005, the Irish Republican Army ended its 30 year armed struggle against British rule in Northern Ireland. It was hailed as the most significant step in...

Obama’s ‘new strategy’ to escalate war in Afghanistan

Following a 60 day review the Obama administration has released its “new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan”. While Obama campaigned on “change” and has since asked Pentagon officials to...

The history of the Communist Party’s support for Aboriginal struggles

The role the early Communist Party of Australia (CPA) played in fighting for Aboriginal rights provides clear examples of the way that a joint “black and white” challenge to...

Can China’s rulers survive the crisis?

As China’s economy slumps, deep running social tensions are threatening to explode writes Tim EricksonChina's rulers fear that their grip on power is threatened by global economic turmoil. President...

Socialism, Mao and the Chinese revolution

China under Mao adopted Stalin’s model of rapid industrialisation based on intense exploitation, and was never genuinely socialist

Westgate workers defy attempt to slash wages

Two hundred police moved in to break up picket lines on Melbourne’s Westgate bridge on April 15, where 39 workers have held out since December in a dispute with...

It’s battle stations—Brisbane Casino workers say 3 per cent not enough

A BETWEEN-SHIFT mass meeting of over 100 Conrad Treasury Casino workers in Brisbane has voted unanimously to initiate a ballot for industrial action in support of their claim for...

Unions call for campaign of defiance of ABCC

UNIONS ARE stepping up their campaign to have the Australian Building and Construction Commission scrapped, with strike-day rallies around the country on April 28.This comes after the federal...

Irish workers show occupying can save jobs

Workers at Waterford Crystal in Ireland have secured 176 jobs in the plant after an eight week long occupation of their workplace. Their example has begun to inspire other...

Queensland teachers won’t accept pay restraint

QUEENSLAND TEACHERS are set to vote for 24-hour strikes from the beginning of May. Well-attended mass meetings voted overwhelmingly to hold a publicity and industrial campaign to win their...

Winning right to strike a key challenge for unions

Review: The State of Industrial Relations Evatt Foundation,  $24.95 THIS SHORT volume was put together in 2008, after Labor’s election but before all the details of Fair Work Australia, Rudd’s answer...

Illzilla’s political hip hop a flower in the wasteland

Review: Wasteland Illzilla, Out now through Shock From its inception in the late 1970s, hip hop has had strong roots in the politics of rebellion. Hip hop acts from Public Enemy...

Superheroes: the US’s ultimate weapon

Review: Watchmen Directed by Zack Snyder, in cinemas now The Watchmen are masked superheroes vigilantes whose presence has dramatically altered the course of history. In this alternate world, it is 1985...

The homophobia of Home and Away

CONSERVATIVE LOBBYISTS are claiming some success in forcing Channel Seven to cut scenes of a more passionate “lesbian kiss” from soap opera Home and Away. The demands for censorship...

Employment expert: stimulus failed to target jobs

Solidarity spoke to Bill Mitchell, from the University of Newcatle's Centre of Full Employment and Equity, above how Rudd's stimulus spending could be targeting massive job creationKevin Rudd appears...

Let them land, let them stay

The arrival of a few asylum seekers’ boats has produced the kind of shocking anti-refugee hysteria that marked the Howard years. It was “children overboard” all over again when...

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