Issue 20 - Dec

Leaders at Copenhagen won’t save the climate

World leaders are incapable of agreeing to the action necessary to halt dangerous climate change. It is already clear that there will be no deal on reducing greenhouse gases finalised...

Rudd’s CPRS: worse than useless, worse than ever

With the Senate unable to pass the CPRS, Rudd could be taking his amended scheme to the next election. The deal negotiated by Penny Wong to secure Malcolm Turnbull’s...

Govt figures prove ‘things are getting worse’

The federal government’s “Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory” monitoring report, released quietly in October, provides damning evidence of the failure of the NT Intervention. It compares statistics pre and post Intervention....

RDA still suspended, Macklin entrenches Intervention

Breaking clear promises, Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin has introduced legislation that will continue to suspend the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) until December 31, 2010. Reading her new bills into parliament,...

Drop the charges: Abortion activists on the march in Brisbane

About one hundred people attended a Brisbane rally on November 21 to demand free, safe and accessible abortion and that the charges of “procuring an abortion” against a Cairns...

Students shake up Austrian and German universities

Over a month ago students at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna held a protest and occupied their main auditorium. Since then the occupation movement has spread to...

Bumpy ride ahead for world economy

A mild panic swept global share markets in the last week of November, when Dubai World, with debts of $US59 billion, asked its banks for a six month moratorium on...

Chris Harman: Ideas for revolution in the 21st century

In this obituary to British Marxist Chris Harman, Ernest Price outlines some of his key contributions, which will help guide revolutionaries for generations to comeOn November 7 the International Socialist...

Where to for the climate movement?

The climate movement has suffered from a lack of strategy—and needs to focus on the CPRS and public investment in green jobs, argue Chris Breen and James SuppleThe first climate...

A year of crisis and hope for change

Paddy Gibson reviews the key political events and moments of resistance of 2009January Obama inaugurated The year began with global capitalism teetering on the brink and hundreds of thousands of people...

Marx’s ecology

The writings of Karl Marx showed an understanding of capitalism as a system that distorts humanity’s relationship to the environment, writes Jasmine Ali“Let us not however flatter ourselves over...

Marek Edelman: The Ghetto Fighter

Jewish resistance fighter Marek Edelman died recently, aged 90. John Rose looks at the story and legacy of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto anti-Nazi uprising he led “Now the SS...

NSW Labor conference–where was the anti-privatisation revolt?

A union push to overturn the NSW government’s privatisation drive failed to materialise at the Labor state conference in mid-November. A year ago at the state conference a union...

Queensland teachers deal–could do better

The leadership of the Queensland Teachers Union (QTU) has sold its members a dud pay offer. During a fortnight long propaganda barrage, they managed to convince 82 per cent...

Guidebook for understanding the system

Unravelling Capitalism By Joseph Choonara, Bookmarks, $20Joseph Choonara’s new book, Unravelling Capitalism is a short but comprehensive guide to Marxist economic theory and its continued relevance to understanding the dynamics...

When Hurricane Katrina brought the war home

Review: Zeitoun By Dave Eggers, Penguin $32.95Zeitoun is the true story of one man, his family and the tragedy which besets them in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Many are familiar...


More serious than mining? Paddy Gibson’s article about the causes of the NT Intervention (Solidarity No. 19) makes an unnecessary division between mining interests and Aboriginal politics. Paddy is right...

Let all the refugees land

After winning a guarantee of re-settlement in Australia, the 78 Tamils on the Oceanic Viking left the ship. All of them, including women and children, are now being held in...

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