Issue 24 - May

Rudd’s mistake is to race Abbott to the right

Rudd’s personal popularity has taken another dive—running the danger of letting the Liberals back into the election race. But he has only himself to blame. After the last few...

Feed-in tariff not the best way to win renewables

Many climate activists, along with The Greens and Electrical Trade Union, are starting to demand feed-in tariffs for renewable energy. Proponents say they are a market mechanism that gives...

Activists say: no more black balloons for NSW

Last month climate activists demonstrated against the NSW government’s coal expansion outside state government offices in Sydney. The action was a response to “concept approval” for two new coal-fired power...

Rudd junks the CPRS: time to show up his climate hypocrisy

Rudd's decision to junk the CPRS shows him up for the kind of politician he is—willing to sacrifice something he once called the “greatest moral challenge of our generation” in...

Aboriginal communities say: ‘We need jobs and services not the Intervention’

Solidarity spoke to Mark Fordham, until recently the works manager for the Barkly Shire Council who service Ampilatwatja, a “prescribed community” under the NT Intervention, about the failure in providing basic...

Racism whitewashed in Alice Springs

Five men responsible for killing a young Aboriginal man, Kwementyaye Ryder, were recently given sentences of between 12 months and six years by an Alice Springs Court. The initial...

Time to fight the new refugee hysteria

Tony Abbott's hysteria about refugee boats is set to be a key issue in the lead up to this year's election, but Kevin Rudd's capitulation to it through freezing...

Former detainees speak: ‘Stop the Visa freeze’

AROUND 250 people attended a Sydney rally in April calling on the government to “unfreeze the visas and close Christmas Island", called by the Refugee Action Coalition. Here we...

Fighting sexism back on the agenda, but how do we do it?

Touted as the first feminist conference in Sydney in 15 years, “F: the conference” was a reminder of how far governments have wound back women’s rights over the same...

In the thick of Indonesian workers’ struggle

Recently Ignatius Mahendra Kusumawardhana, the International relations officer of the Indonesian socialist group PRP (Working People’s Association) visited Australia. Mahendra was involved in the demonstrations that brought down Indonesian...

Obama not taking us closer to a nuclear free world

Barack Obama’s much-lauded nuclear summit in April was nothing more than a show of muscle by the world’s biggest nuclear powers, in an increasingly volative global environment. Despite his...

Greek workers all out to stop IMF cuts

Greece exploded again in strikes and protests at government cutbacks, as European leaders and the IMF were forced to fast-track emergency loans to the Greek government, increased in size to...

Warning to Rudd from British election

Britain went to the polls on the May 6 in the midst of economic turmoil across Europe that has reached its peak in the crisis in Greece.  Labour’s humiliation...

Labor and education: Gillard’s counter-revolution

The education revolution has been a neo-liberal one, argues Ernest Price As the federal president of the Australian Education Union Angelo Gavrielatos agreed to call off the teachers’ proposed ban...

Population is the wrong target

Arguments that population is to blame for climate change distract from real solutions to environmental problems and only serve to boost racism

James Connolly—socialism and the struggle for Irish independence

James Connolly insisted that socialists had to support independence for Ireland, but that workers had to lead the fight if it was to mean real liberation, writes Phil Chilton Despite...

Unions must defy ABCC fines

Nationwide union rallies will mark the first day of Ark Tribe’s trial on June 15. Ark is the second unionist to face six months jail for refusing to answer questions...

Goodbye to all that?

Review: Goodbye to all that: The failure  of neoliberalism and the urgency of change Edited by David McKnight and Robert Manne, Black Inc, $32.95You can ask the right question at the...

Anzac—a new front in the history wars

Review: What’s Wrong with Anzac? The Militarisation of Australian History Edited byMarilyn Lake and Henry Reynolds, University of New South Wales Press, $29.95As our stomachs recover from the gut wrenching...

Bans could have beaten NAPLAN

The Australian Education Union and state teachers unions’ have backed away from a confrontation with Julia Gillard over the NAPLAN tests. But the battle to stop league tables, and...

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