Issue 34 - May

Refugees punished with return of temporary visas

In a disgraceful political stunt, Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has announced new laws to strip asylum seekers of visa rights. This is a further effort to blame asylum seekers...

Refugees speak: ‘There’s no explanation why I got accepted and Majid was rejected’

Solidarity’s Mark Goudkamp spoke to two Iranian refugees who maintained a 24-hour vigil outside Villawood detention centre during the recent rooftop protests. Hadi Parhizkar is the brother of Majid,...

Deadline set for HRL plant assessment

Victoria’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has begun assessing HRL’s plan for a new coal power plant in the state. A decision is expected by May 27, according to The...

Unions and the carbon price: trying to sell the unsaleable

“If one job is lost, our support is gone.” This was the condition placed on a carbon tax by right-wing Labor heavyweight and Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) Secretary Paul...

Climate movement debates carbon price and strategies for fighting Abbott

This year’s annual Climate Summit, a decision-making conference of Australian climate activists, was split 50/50 over whether to support a carbon price.The final session was dominated by a...

More Aboriginal people forced to work for BasicsCard

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin has announced that more Aboriginal people will be forced to work for the BasicsCard as part of the government’s response to the growing social...

Miner’s bullying exposes contempt for Aboriginal people

Billionaire Andrew Forrest is in damage control after trying to bully Aboriginal native title holders into giving him control of their land. Solidarity spoke with Michael Woodley, CEO of...

A victory over the Sydney Uni Liberals—let’s keep up the fight

Student Liberal Chad Sidler abused his position as General Secretary of the Sydney University Student Representative Council (SRC) in an attempt to shut down student activism in March. Chad...

Murdoch’s attack on Greens and BDS could have been beaten

The NSW Greens and Marrickville council’s support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel has faced a vicious right-wing onslaught led by the Murdoch press. During...

Fight over job security brewing at Qantas

Three key unions at Qantas are pressing demands for job security and above-inflation pay rises.Pilots, aircraft engineers and ground staff, like baggage handlers, catering staff, ramp handlers and...

Revolt threatens Palestine’s own collaborator regime

For Palestinians, who are every day humiliated both by Israel and by their own “regime”, the reassertion of dignity by the Tunisian, Egyptian and Middle Eastern masses continues to...

West wants a Libyan revolution under its control

Western forces are tightening their grip on the conduct of the fighting against the Gaddafi regime in Libya, with Britain, France and Italy committing advisors to help rebel forces.When...

Truth about Fukushima contamination leaks out

There is growing anger in Japan at misinformation and efforts to downplay the seriousness of the nuclear crisis at Fukushima. A full month after the crisis began, authorities finally...

Why do world leaders love nuclear power?

In the wake of the nuclear disaster in Japan, Amy Thomas argues that the drive for nuclear power is tied to the nuclear arms raceThe disaster at Fukushima underscores...

Army’s rotten sexism: a product of training killers

New scandals have again exposed the extreme sexism in the Australian military. Jasmine Ali looks at whether promoting more women into combat roles will make any differenceDefence minister Stephen...

Sylvia Pankhurst—socialism, suffrage and the sisterhood?

Lucy Honan concludes our series on revolutionary women with a look at the politics of feminism’s most famous familyJust how powerful is the feminist sisterhood? Nothing captures the confusion...

Islam, imperialism and resistance

Political Islam is regularly derided by establishment commentators in the West. Tony Bozdagci takes a closer look at the role of Islamic groups inside resistance movements in the Arab...

Exploring Stephen Jay Gould’s ideas on science and evolution

The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould By Richard York and Brett Clark, Monthly Review Press $16.95Stephen Jay Gould was one of the most important evolutionary theorists since Charles Darwin....

A proud history of Aboriginal struggle on display

From Little Things Big Things Grow Exhibtion developed by National Museum of Australia, touring nationally see website for details From Little Things Big Things Grow gives a useful and engaging overview...

Egypt’s revolution takes fight to the army

Not content with overthrowing the figurehead of a repressive regime, the Egyptian working class is targeting Mubarak-era officials still running the military and public institutions. Workers at the Shebin...

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