Issue 36 - July

Things they say

“The effects of radiation do not come to people that are happy and laughing. They come to people that are weak-spirited, that brood and fret.” Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, newly appointed...

United strike action can beat back O’Farrell in NSW

Twelve thousand unionists rallied against the NSW Liberals’ attack on public sector workers on June 15. Nurses and health workers from 40 hospitals, firefighters and many other government workers all...

Carbon price—a cheap way to do nothing on climate change

Labor has used a Productivity Commission report to bolster its push for a carbon price as the best way to cut carbon emissions. But the only thing it proves...

Campaign demands Sydney Uni SRC oppose library cuts

In early June, Sydney University announced that Fisher library was to undergo a “redevelopment” that involved 30 job losses and the removal of over 500,000 books. Following a protest...

Nauru a ‘hare-brained idea’

Liberal Immigration spokesperson Scott Morrison has made his career out of bashing asylum seekers and stoking Islamophobia in Australia. It was therefore revolting to see him use his trip...

No need for any refugee detention at all

Ending mandatory detention has long been a demand of the refugee movement. The recent Refugee Day rallies all had “End Mandatory Detention” as their central slogan. But the question...

Protests say: Alternative to Intervention needed

­­On June 21, hundreds of Aboriginal people and supporters marched in the biggest Aboriginal rights demonstration seen in Darwin since John Howard announced the Intervention in 2007. The demonstration...

Bankstown says no to Income Management

Local Aboriginal groups, migrant organisations and community workers are coming together in Bankstown to stand up against Income Management (IM), set to be introduced in the Western Sydney suburb...

‘They should not be able to have that power over us’

Aunty Carol Carter from the Bankstown area spoke to Solidarity about the decision to make it one of the new trial sites for Income ManagementWhat are some of your...

Egypt: the revolution continues

 Egypt’s “second day of rage” on May 27 showed that the revolution is far from over. Over a million people across Egypt rallied and Tahrir Square was once again...

Greek workers rise up as government faces default

Europe’s leaders spent June playing a giant game of poker, as they bluffed each other over who would contribute most towards bailing out Greece from bankruptcy. But all the...

Why climate action means challenging capitalism

Amy Thomas looks at why the system is unable to effectively address climate changeIn 2010, after two decades of scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-induced, global...

Are First World workers to blame for climate change?

Some see workers in developed countries like Australia as too bought off to be allies in the fight for climate action. Jasmine Ali shows why this isn’t the caseMany...

Is China headed for world domination?

The rise of China has produced tensions with the US, and shows how imperialist patterns of great power competition still define our world, writes Feiyi Zhang  In the last few...

Green consumerism not what it claims

Review: Green gone wrong By Heather Rodgers, Verso, $39 As concern about environmental problems has become mainstream, a new market niche has emerged. Businesses are now well aware that consumers are increasingly...

Tanner’s self-serving diagnosis on our political culture

Review: Sideshow: Dumbing down democracy By Lindsay Tanner, Scribe, $32.95.The “sideshow syndrome” is Lindsay Tanner’s label for what he sees as the current malaise of participatory democracy in Australia and...

Stop Gillard ‘people trading’ with Malaysia

Julia Gillard’s asylum seeker swap with Malaysia is facing mounting opposition. Both houses of parliament have condemned it, a High Court challenge is underway, and dissent has emerged within...

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