Issue 40 - Nov

‘The whole world is marching’

More than a million people have taken to the streets around the globe as part of the Occupy movement. From Seoul to Santa Fe, in so many different languages,...

Eyewitness: Spain’s ‘indignados’ spirit spreads to the workplace

There were beautiful scenes on October 15 when more than a million people took to the streets across Spain, reports Daisy Farnham.One protester in Seville described it as “a...

Bankstown builds links with the NT Intervention campaign

The Bankstown campaign against income management and the campaign against the Northern Territory Intervention exchanged delegations in October, building strength in the campaign against the Intervention.Activists have united to...

Consultations whitewash Intervention’s failure

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin has used sham consultations with Aboriginal communities to announce an extension of the failed NT Intervention beyond the current legislation’s “sunset clause” of July...

Say no to free speech for the likes of Andrew Bolt

There is no real freedom of speech in our society, argues James SuppleThe mainstream media has overwhelming control of the views and opinions that we read. Australia is one...

Malaysia agreement stalled, now end mandatory detention and free the refugees

Not with a bang but a whimper. Rather than have the legislation defeated on the floor of parliament, Julia Gillard withdrew the Migration Act amendments that would have allowed...

Discriminatory offshore processing continues at Christmas Island

The demise of third country offshore processing, and the government’s efforts to send refugees to Malaysia or the Pacific, does not mean the end of all offshore processing.The...

Hands off Sydney Uni Political Economy!

Two hundred students rallied and staged at sit-in at Sydney University in October to oppose the possible merger of the Department of Political Economy into the Department of Government...

Teachers’ strikes can sink O’Farrell’s laws

NSW teachers were gearing up for two-hour stop work meetings on November 2 as Solidarity went to press. The meetings are to map out a strategy to win our...

Afghanistan, an unwinnable war with no end in sight

After ten long years of war, Afghanistan is no safer, nor is an end date for the conflict any more certain.The deteriorating security situation and the failure of the...

Interview with Greek activist: “workers can take us out of the crisis”

Kyriacos Banos is a member of Solidarity’s sister organisation in Greece, the Socialist Workers Party (or SEK). He spoke to us about the escalation of workers’ struggle in Greece.Can...

Eyewitness: Greek strikes a show of workers’ power

Hundreds of thousands of angry Greek trade unionists marched through central Athens on October 19 in the biggest workers’ demonstration since the toppling of the military dictatorship in 1974,...

The Greens: between parliament and principles

Amy Thomas analyses the The Greens’ role in left politics since the federal electionThe only bright side to the federal election one year ago was the breakthrough of The...

Class and the carbon tax

Confusion about class and the class divide in society lies behind the argument among climate campaigners about who exactly should bear the burden of making the transition to a...

Understanding the class divide: the 99 per cent versus the 1 per cent in Australia

For weeks world attention has focussed on the Occupy movement that spread from Occupy Wall Street. Across the world placards have proclaimed “we are the 99 per cent”. Every...

Bad banks, credit and the capitalist economy

Jean Parker begins a series on issues in economics by looking at credit and bankingThe collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers in September 2008 was the event that triggered...

The police: armed guards for the rich and powerful

The actions of the police at the Occupy protests say a lot about their role in our society, argues James SuppleAFTER A week of peaceful occupation, police in Melbourne...

Things they say

They told me they would be there until capitalism ended, well, that is going to be a very long time away.NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell, after a conversation with Occupy...

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