Issue 44 - April

‘Stand with us to fight this racist legislation’

Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra is a traditional owner from Elcho Island, in Northeast Arnhem Land. This is an exert of his speech to a rally in Darwin on April...

Bankstown BasicsCard campaign reaches out to unionists

The campaign to stop Income Management, first introduced as part of the racist NT Intervention, is reaching out to organised workers in an attempt to stop the policy in...

ASIO assessments: ‘Refugees are being held in detention for the rest of their lives’

Refugees denied visas because of adverse assessments by ASIO are sitting in limbo in detention centres. Stephen Blanks, Secretary of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, spoke at Politics...

Refugee activists converge on detention capital

The Easter convergence on Darwin’s detention centres has set the scene for actions this year against mandatory detention. Darwin’s detention centres now hold up to 1000 asylum seekers, making...

After Bob Brown, can The Greens move left?

As accolades flow in at the end of Bob Brown’s parliamentary career, serious questions hang over the future of The Greens under Christine Milne. On the one hand, Milne’s appeals to...

Miners fight BHP to reverse WorkChoices-era pay cuts

Over 3500 mine workers in central Queensland’s Bowen Basin staged their second week-long strike in mid-April, defending working conditions against the multi-billion dollar mining giant BHP Billiton. The unions are...

Union grows as Sensis comes up with nothing on new agreement

Over 100 AMWU members at Sensis, in five separate offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, have voted to support a ballot for protected industrial action if Sensis doesn’t come...

Victorian teachers prepare to fight Baillieu

Teachers in Victorian public schools are in for a fight to beat the state government’s 2.5 per cent public sector wide pay cap and stop cutbacks to education. Negotiations...

German MP on solidarity with Greek workers: ‘My no in the Bundestag is a yes to resistance’

Kate Davison interviewed Christine Buchholz, German MP for Die Linke (‘The Left’ Party) and supporter of Marx21, about austerity measures imposed on Greece by the German government and the...

Spain: the 1 per cent cut, the 99 per cent strike

Spain’s population is suffering the disastrous consequences of the economic crisis. Eleven million people live in poverty, five million are unemployed and 170 house evictions take place each day. In...

Bahrain, the Arab revolution ignored by the West

An estimated 100,000 people poured onto the streets of Bahrain’s capital in late March. It was the largest protest since the brutal crackdown on demonstrations at the start of...

Zimbabwe six stare down Mugabe regime’s repression

In March, six activists from Solidarity’s sister organisation in Zimbabwe successfully avoided prison after being convicted for watching a video of the Arab Spring.In February 2011, police stormed a...

West not ready to end disastrous Afghan war

The documentary All the Way, shown on ABC TV on April 12, was about the war in Vietnam but its central themes were just as relevant to today’s war in...

PNG political turmoil ignites mass protests for democratic rights

As many as 15,000 people joined a trade union organised rally in Port Moresby, the capital of PNG, in mid-April to protest against Parliament’s vote to defer elections by...

Winning justice for Trayvon, killed for being black in America

Mass protests and demonstrations demanding justice for Trayvon Martin have forced the police to charge his killer, George Zimmerman, with second-degree murder.On February 26, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old black...

French election: austerity, Islamophobia, and Mélenchon’s “insurrection”

French President Nicholas Sarkozy will hopefully be thrown out in the approaching elections, in a vote against austerity.  Islamophobia following the shooting of seven people by a French Algerian gunman in...

The changing face of racism

Racism based on crude biological arguments may be increasingly unacceptable, argues James Supple, but racism based on notions of "culture" has become an insidious feature of mainstream politics in...

“Socialism in our time”: The story of Jack Lang, NSW Labor and the Great Depression

In our third installment of our Labor history series, Jean Parker finds some rich lessons in the incredible story of the New South Wales Labor Party’s "socialisation units" and...

Resisting Capitol in The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Directed by Gary Ross In cinemas nowThe Hunger Games is the latest addition to a string of political Hollywood films produced over the last few years. But unlike films...

Things they say

They would have us living as hunter-gatherers scrambling for survival on the forest floor.Barnaby Joyce’s riposte to The Greens’ push for rural votesBecause we knew it was the most...

The revolutionary ideas of Antonio Gramsci

Contrary to interpretations of the Italian revolutionary popular in the academic world, Antonio Gramsci was fighter for working class struggle and socialist revolution, argues Penny Howard

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