Issue 49 - Sept

Interview: Eyewitness to the horrors of detention on Nauru

The Howard government’s Pacific Solution began in 2001 in the wake of the Tampa crisis. A total of 1637 asylum seekers were dumped on Manus Island in Papua New...

Where to now for the refugee campaign?

There are enormous challenges ahead for the refugee campaign.In the next few weeks, the government will likely move the first group of asylum seekers (probably single men from Darwin)...

Northam convergence says no to offshore processing and detention

Outrage at Gillard’s announcement of the Pacific Solution 2.0 was a feature of rallies in both Perth and Brisbane held on August 26 to mark the 10th anniversary of...

Why is Labor attacking refugees?

Labor’s has now turned about-face on the Pacific Solution, after it closed Nauru and Manus Island detention centres on coming to power in 2007.This shift is the final outcome...

Latest refugee deaths at sea show Labor’s regard for saving lives

Any idea that the new Pacific Solution is really about saving lives at sea has been exposed as the shameless lie that it is by the latest tragedy at...

Go Back shows (again) that we can challenge ideas

Go Back To Where You Came From season two was filmed in early 2012, but the timing of its showing, two weeks after federal parliament endorsed the Pacific Solution,...

Construction unions show power to beat Grocon

For almost three weeks, hundreds of construction workers have blockaded Grocon’s Myer Emporium construction site in Melbourne, showing the power to stop the company’s assault on union rights. But...

Will management ever come to their Sensis?

The AMWU will campaign for a “no” vote on two separate agreements if Sensis moves ahead to put them to a ballot. A mass meeting of over 70 AMWU...

Country Liberals cynically tap anger at Intervention to topple Labor in the NT

The Country Liberals (CLP) have swept to power in the Northern Territory elections, after 11 years of Labor rule. Aboriginal voters in remote NT electorates played the decisive role,...

Sydney Uni: Stop the Cuts ticket stands for a fighting SRC

Students at Sydney University are going to the polls to elect the 2013 Student Representative Council (SRC), the campus student union, this month. Student activists and members of Solidarity...

Corrupt in parliament, corrupt on campus: UQ students mobilise against the LNP

Students at the University of Queensland (UQ) are mobilising against the corrupt Liberal National Party (LNP) members running the UQ Union, who have barred opposition tickets from running against...

La Trobe students defy protest ban

Over 100 students protested at La Trobe University’s Open Day on August 26 against savage cuts to Humanities, defying threats to suspend or expel students who joined “unauthorised” demonstrations.In...

South Africa: ANC’s own apartheid exposed on the killing fields of Marikana

“And so, again, the truth of our country is in dead black bodies littering the ground. Once again, the truth of our time is that people asserting their rights...

Pussy Riot trial exposes Putin’s crackdown in Russia

The trial of three members of Pussy Riot has brought the spotlight onto the growing wave of political dissent in Russia. On August 17, Maria Alyokhina, Yekaterina Samutsevich and...

Gillard lines up billions for drone warfare

With the Obama administration embroiled in controversy over civilian victims of drones in the borderless war on terror, the Australian government is following Washington’s lead in expanding Australia’s drone...

A dream not yet realised: the politics of Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was a fighter for real economic equality, and if he was alive today he’d oppose the policies of Barack Obama, argues Adrian SkerrittUS President Barack Obama’s...

Marx’s road to Marxism

Eliot Hoving looks at how Marx developed his ideas out of involvement in the movement for democratic rights in GermanyAll the time we are told that history is driven...

1927: When China’s workers challenged for power

China’s young working class stood on the brink of a revolutionary seizure of power in the 1920s, writes Feiyi Zhang, but were betrayed by StalinToday a new Chinese workers’...

The Sapphires: radical history shines strong amidst the glitz and glamour

The Sapphires Directed by Wayne Blair In cinemas now“Soul music is about loss. And they haven’t given up. So every note that passes through your lips should have the tone of...

1835—False hopes in fair governments won’t win Aboriginal rights

1835: The founding of Melbourne and the conquest of Australia By James Boyce $44.95, Black Inc1835 was the year that Tasmanian pastoralists, hungry to expand their wealth through seizure of new...

Things they say

When you get older, get in the twilight of your life like me, it’s common for Australians to build a boat or take the Women’s Weekly round the world...

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