Issue 70 - Aug/Sept

Inside the system

Corruption case a national embarrassment says DFAT; Zionist killers escape Libs’ anti-terror campaign; Charges over Frances Abbott scholarship leak help hide corruption; Detroit Mayor shuts off water supply; Budget cuts leave firies with no truck as hostel burns; Victorian education bosses wield axe and pocket millions in bonuses

Queensland swings against Campbell’s cuts​

The LNP government in Queensland was crushed in the Stafford by-election in late July with a thumping 19 per cent swing against them. This follows Labor’s win in the...

Campaign builds against Morrison’s refugee cruelty

The arrival of a boat of 157 Tamil asylum seekers on the mainland, the first this year, punched a hole in Operation Sovereign Borders.

Abbott’s opportunism over M17 stokes imperialist tensions

The shooting down of the Malaysian Airlines MH17 over rebel held territory in eastern Ukraine is a terrible tragedy.It has cost 289 lives, including 37 Australian citizens and permanent...

Evidence shows carbon tax was worse than useless

The carbon tax is now history. But there is nothing to mourn in its passing.

SOS for women’s shelters in NSW

The NSW government is facing a community backlash over new reforms that are forcing women-only shelters and refuges to close or be taken over.

NSW Catholic teachers walk off the job

NSW Catholic Teachers and support staff have taken strike action for the first time in over a decade.

Management tries on divide and rule at UTS

On 20 August academic staff at UTS will strike for 24-hours in their year-and-a-half fight for a decent agreement.One of the key battlegrounds is workloads. While UTS is spending...

Rank-and-file action wins on class sizes

Teachers at a high school in Melbourne’s North West won a victory against our principal’s penny-pinching plan to over-fill classes.After months of excuses for crowding more kids per...

Palestine needs solidarity against Israeli terror

After weeks of bombing and a ground invasion by Israeli troops, up to 30 per cent of Gaza’s population, or 520,000 people, are now without a home.

Collusion by Arab regimes allows Israel to punish Gaza

When it comes to support for Palestine, there is a yawning gap between the mass of the Arab population and their leaders.

US will worsen a tragedy of their creation in Iraq

The US has begun bombing raids on northern Iraq after President Barack Obama declared the US had to intervene against the Sunni Islamist group, the Islamic State.

Abbott bangs drums of war and racism

Australia has lent aircraft to the US intervention in Iraq while the Liberals are attempting to use the Islamic State to stir up nationalism and Islamophobia at home.

Universities reserved for the rich: The Liberals’ vision for education

Caitlin Doyle-Markwick examines what Abbott’s budget would mean for universities

Are the unions too weak to beat Abbott?

In the face of Abbott’s budget attacks on workers’ living standards, James Supple looks at whether union decline prevents the movement fighting back

Intersectionality, sexism and the left

Jasmine Ali examines the renewed interest in the idea of intersectionality associated with the revival of feminism

An outsider in his own country

Charlie’s country is a beautifully shot and brutally honest portrayal of life under apartheid in the Northern Territory.

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