Issue 74- Jan

Don’t let Islamophobes exploit Charlie Hebdo killings

The attacks in Paris that left 17 people dead have caused shock all around the world. The actions of the three men who carried out the attacks are deplorable. But we can’t let this be an excuse to further whip up racism against Muslims.

Abbott and world leaders are hypocrites on free speech

Following the attacks in Paris Tony Abbott and other leaders pledged to stand up in defence of freedom of speech. This is gross hypocrisy.

After Victoria: Can Labor win Queensland?

The Queensland LNP’s decision to race to the polls in January is a very calculated bid to hang onto power. The polls only looked like getting worse for Campbell...

Abbott not giving up on co-payment plan

The year has opened with a deeply humiliating defeat for Abbott’s health agenda. On 15 January brand new Health Minister Sussan Ley was forced to stop sunning herself on a cruise ship and front the media to announce that the $20 rebate cut for short GP visits was now “off the table”.

First charges as union Royal Commission does Abbott’s dirty work

Tony Abbott’s union Royal Commission has recommended charges against a series of union officials from the CFMEU, AWU and HSU.

Tax avoidance: the rich get off scot free

The United Voice commissioned Tax Justice Network report into tax avoidance by big business in Australia, Who pays for our Common Wealth? has shone a light into very dark corners.

Can a Syriza victory end austerity in Greece?

Greece’s snap election on 25 January will almost certainly see left-wing party Syriza take power. This would be an important victory against austerity—but there are immense challenges ahead.

Renewed US ties will strengthen Cuban move to the market

On 17 December last year US President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced a commitment to renew diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba.The announcement follows 18...

Sri Lankan war criminal replaced by one of his henchmen

A shock election defeat has brought an end to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s rule. But as yet there is no evidence of a substantial shift to ease the...

Aboriginal ‘recognition’—a cover for Abbott’s assimilation

Constitutional recognition is a farce designed to divert attention from the decimation of Aboriginal life through funding cuts and the closure of communities, argues Paddy Gibson

Abbott’s cuts target desperately needed Aboriginal services

More Aboriginal children are being removed by welfare services than at any time in Australia’s history, but the Liberals have ended funding for Aboriginal Child and Family Centres across...

Racism, police and black rights in the US

Fifty years since the civil rights movement, racism and poverty among blacks in the US are as bad as ever, writes Lachlan Marshall

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