Issue 102 - May

Turnbull budget targets students, workers, unemployed—but no real pain for the rich

Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison have delivered a budget aimed at avoiding unpopular cuts, in a desperate effort to reverse their slide in the polls. The pundits say it’s a budget Labor could have delivered. But its tax increases deliver no real pain for the rich. Instead ordinary workers and the unemployed are being targeted.

Inside the system

Santos admits business plan based on 4oC warming; Catholics direct funds to rich schools; Aboriginal man tasered to death; US company in Iraq hides smuggling, theft, sex trafficking; Fairfax pays CEO $7.2 million as it cuts jobs; Keating says the rich are over-taxed; Macquarie not taxed by massive CEO pay

Fight back Turnbull’s $2.8 billion uni cuts and fee hikes

The budget is a massive attack on students and university education. It rips $2.8 billion over four years out of universities across Australia.

Liberal schools plan a con, but Gonski’s model flawed from the start

The Liberals have managed to coax back corporate executive David Gonski in an effort to legitimize their “Gonski 2.0” school funding deal.But there is no rationale for accepting $22...

Opposition to new Year 9 NAPLAN hurdle

Parents and teachers are campaigning to reverse a NSW government decision to make NAPLAN scores a requirement for passing the HSC.

Impact of Turnbull’s 457 visa changes clearer

Evidence is mounting that Turnbull’s changes to temporary worker visas will create a new class of “guest worker” migrants with fewer rights.

New Zealand channels Turnbull and Trump in attack on migrant workers

National Party Prime Minister Bill English launched an attack on rights and opportunities available to migrant workers in New Zealand in April.

Macron’s victory in France won’t stop the fascist Le Pen

France’s historic presidential battle between fascist Marine Le Pen and neo-liberal Emmanuele Macron may be over, but the crisis in French politics that produced this remarkable contest is far from resolved.

Hanson’s influence aided and abetted by major parties

In 2016, Pauline Hanson made her way back into parliament for the first time since 1998, obtaining 9 per cent of the Senate vote in Queensland. Despite her many electoral defeats over this time, the racism at the core of Hanson’s politics has never gone away. Instead it has become part of mainstream politics.

Enterprise bargaining and the un-Fair Work Act

The system of Enterprise Bargaining restricting lawful strike action to bargaining periods is at the core of laws that have removed the right to strike explains David Glanz

How revolution in Russia liberated women

The 1917 revolution put great effort into freeing women from domestic drudgery and giving them a leading role in the unfolding political struggle, writes Caitlin Doyle

CFMEU workers’ defiance keeps union flags flying at Watpac

For three days, Watpac bosses in Brisbane tore down CFMEU flags and posters on building sites, but stop work action has kept the union flag flying on the job.

Manus chaos: no safety, no future for refugees

Confusion and increased tension surrounds the abrupt announcement of the closure of sections of the Manus detention centre.

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