Liberal win in NSW election means fight against privatisation and WestConnex needed

After swings against the Liberals in the recent Victorian and Queensland elections, Liberal Premier Mike Baird managed to hold on in NSW.

Liberal privatisation plan fuels swing against Baird in NSW

The Liberals under Mike Baird were still favourites to win the NSW election as Solidarity went to press. But a big swing to Labor looks likely.

Nurses strike campaign challenging NSW Libs

Nurses across NSW held one of their biggest strikes in history in NSW on July 24. Over 5,000 striking nurses packed into a meeting at Sydney’s Olympic Park and...

Fight needed as NSW Liberals launch more education cuts

The NSW O’Farrell government has justified public sector cutbacks with claims of a budget shortfall. Then $1 billion extra was suddenly found in the NSW budget thanks to accounting...

Victory for the left in NSW PSA elections

Progressive PSA candidates have beaten incumbent officials in the union elections in the Public Service Association (PSA) in NSW. The public sector has been in the firing line of...

Turn the axe around on the state Liberals

If elections were held in Queensland tomorrow, Premier Campbell Newman would lose his own seat. After trouncing Labor only a few months ago, millions of Queenslanders are now realising that...

NSW teacher stop works the start of stopping O’Farrell

Around 20,000 NSW public school teachers attended stop work meetings in May to oppose school “devolution” plans. This action has been affirmed by the NSW Teachers Federation June Council...

Liberal porkies on budget hole

The NSW Liberal government is gearing up for severe budget cuts, with reports that some departments are facing spending cuts of 25 per cent.According to The Daily Telegraph, 400...

All out to beat O’Farrell—break the wage cap, back the teachers

TENS OF thousands of teachers, nurses, firefighters and public servants are expected to rally on September 8 to launch the campaign against NSW Liberal Premier Barry O’Farrell’s attempt to...

NSW Liberals attack on public sector ‘worse than WorkChoices’

The NSW Public Service Association (PSA) has imposed bans on public servant overtime in response to the NSW Liberal government’s announcement of a 2.5 per cent pay cap and...

Union fightback can stop the Liberals in NSW

Labor’s thumping in the NSW election was hardly a surprise. Disgust with its corruption, privatisation and the run down of schools, hospitals and public transport had been building for...

Union fight the key to stopping Liberals in NSW

Popular disgust at Labor was set to deliver another state election to the Liberals as Solidarity went to press. Labor was facing electoral annihilation on the eve of the...

Unions to launch campaign to defend public services in NSW

The gap between unions and the NSW state Labor government continues to widen. At the end of June Unions NSW unveiled its new response to the privatisation offensive at...

Campaign saves Cessnock prison, but NSW privatisation drive goes on

With Cessnock jail off the privatisation list, union activists including prison guards (PSA), teachers (NSWTF), nurses, AMWU and NTEU are seeking to extend the campaign across the state. “This was a...

Anti-privatisation campaign reignites in NSW

NSW unions are again locked in battle with the state Labor government over privatisation. With the government accelerating its planned sell-off of prisons, members of the Public Service Association...

NSW teachers’ deal could have gone further

NSW teachers have won a pay increase and the reinstatement of a state-wide staffing plan as part of a new 3-year-award.An initial pay rise of 4.4% will be followed...

NSW teachers plan 48 hour strike in January 09

20,000 teachers at meetings around the state have voted to take 48 hours of industrial action from the start of the 2009 school year, in the event of the...

NSW public sector: ‘2.5 per cent is a joke’

HUNDREDS OF workers rallied across NSW on July 30 against the NSW government’s attempt to cap public sector pay rises at 2.5 per cent. Public sector workers from the...

NSW teachers prepare for action against pay cap

NSW TEACHERS are to take industrial action in August unless the NSW government commences negotiations on teacher provision and salaries. The action of stopwork meetings followed by rolling stoppages...

APEC conviction overturned in right to protest victory

In another victory for the right to protest, one of the few court convictions over the APEC demonstration was overturned on appeal yesterday in the District Court. In the face...

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