Things they say

“I would say it’s an endeavour that will last at least 10 years”

Defence force chief Angus Houston on the Afghanistan deployment

”President Hamid Karzai’s government is corrupt, incompetent, harbours vicious drug lords and treats women almost as badly as the Taliban. Yet this is the government that Australian forces are helping to prop up…

”Well over six years after the Taliban was deposed, victory remains elusive. Rudd should outline his exit strategy.”

Brian Toohey writing in the Financial Review, June 21

“In the world we try to build—in the civilisation we want to persist and prevail—the United States has a unique role. In Australia, there is no argument whatever about thatproposition. Our alliance is bigger than any person, bigger than any party, bigger than any government, bigger than any period in our history together. That alliance is enduring and indispensable.”

Julia Gillard sings the praises of the US alliance, speaking in Washingtonat Australian-American Leadership Dialogue

“Employers win in IR overhaul”

The Financial Review’s June 17 front page in response to Labor’s IR changes

“He was something of an Inspector Clouseau of foreign ministers: pompous, slightly ridiculous, self-important, hard to take seriously, though ultimately getting through most of his assignments with some bare seat-of-the-pants competence.”

Fairfax’s Peter Hartcher on former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who announced his retirement as an MP in July.

“While Earth Hour is all about the simple changes everyone can make to create a difference, the initiative also involved a promotional campaign that we can all take something from.”

The judges of the Australasian Promotional Marketing Association Grand Prix award 2008 sing the praises of Earth Hour’s marketing campaign, in awarding it the prize.


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