Things they say

“The message Kevin Rudd is giving to his people, his citizens, is a fabrication, it’s fiction…It does not relate to the facts because his actions are climate change scepticism in action.”
G77 represenative Lumumba Di-Aping at the Copenhagen talks
“He has called on people to rise up and fight off a ‘bureaucratic communistic world government monster’. This extremist language damages his credibility.”
Conservative columnist Janet Albrechtsen expresses doubts about climate sceptic Lord Monckton

“The U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region.”
US conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation

“These fly in fly out workers wouldn’t cut the mustard back in the day when men were men and the union leaders still lived in England.”
Barry Haase, Liberal MP for Kalgoorlie, denounces the strike at Woodside’s Pluto site

‘’I talk to Tony all the time. And we have a very constructive relationship, and a very open relationship…. And not a sexual relationship.”
Barnaby Joyce on his relationship with Tony Abbott

“Every time I turned on the TV the lakes were freezing, the snow was falling and the planes were stuck on the airstrip.”
Barnaby Joyce demonstrates his grasp of climate science in discussing Copenhagen



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