Issue 21 - Feb

WA unions show how deal with Rudd’s anti-union laws

Employers in WA’s Pilbara region have warned that militant strikes at Woodside’s Pluto site could spread across the whole resources sector.  The Woodside strikers have defied threats of huge...

Real alternative to CPRS missing from climate debate

Rudd’s reintroduction of his emissions trading legislation in parliament is a stunt designed to keep the pressure on a divided Liberal Party. His CPRS will not be passed before...

Scandals don’t dent climate science

Recent scandals over evidence in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report of 2007 have been used to cast doubt on the danger climate change presents. Late last year...

Why the Copenhagen climate summit failed

The Copenhagen summit was a failure and a betrayal of the world’s people by their leaders. The only outcome was an “accord” which was simply “noted” by the summit. It includes...

Town camp takeover sets back Aboriginal control

After four years of struggle, the federal government has finally secured 40-year leases over the Aboriginal town camps in Alice Springs, represented by the Tangentyere Council. The takeover push started...

New laws will entrench Intervention’s racism

The continued suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) has acted as a lightning rod to the growing level of criticism against the Northern Territory Intervention. This clear symbol of...

Rudd leads race to the bottom on refugees

Professor Pat McGorry shocked the establishment within minutes of being declared Australian of the Year when he used the award ceremony to label detention centres as “factories for producing...

Refugees are not a security risk

All the Oceanic Viking refugees have now been re-settled. Only 21 of the 78 have come to Australia (41 are still in Romania in transit to Canada and the...

Swiss minaret ban a victory for the right

In a referendum held in November, 57.5 per cent of Swiss voters supported a ban to prohibit the building of new minarets. Minarets are tall structures that rise from Islamic...

Anti-Indian racism must be named and shamed

The fatal stabbing of Punjab-born student Nitin Garg in Melbourne in early January has provoked another round of distortions and denials from Kevin Rudd and the Victorian Police. Last year...

Mass protests put Iran’s regime on the brink

Iranian society has fractured. In December 2009, five months after brutal government crackdowns drove pro-democracy demonstrators into retreat, massive protests again erupted on the streets of Iran. Initial popular...

How US imperialism has devasated Haiti

For all the talk of aid to Haiti, the response to the tragedy was disgracefully slow. A BBC reporter touring the country five days after the quake hit reported...

Unions need to defy Rudd’s anti-strike laws

Rudd’s new work laws, like Howard’s, are designed to criminalise effective strike action—and intimidate workers out of using it. In January up to 1600 workers defied court orders and calls...

Step up the strike action to win at Australia Post

Up to 20,000 union members went on strike at Australia Post in December, part of a pre-Christmas rush of strikes that also hit Sydney buses, Telstra and Qantas. MUA...

Woodside Pluto workers fight over living conditions

Workers at Woodside’s $12 billion Pluto gas site are fighting plans to take away stable on-site accommodation. The dispute arose over plans to take away personal rooms for each...

Interview with Clive Spash: Why carbon trading won’t work

Chris Breen spoke to Clive Spash, former CSIRO economist whose controversial paper on carbon trading was censored by CSIRO management about the problems with Rudd's CPRS, carbon trading and...

What is exploitation?

How does the ruling elite get rich from our labour while paying us what they claim is a "fair wage"? Amy Leather explains Karl Marx’s revolutionary answer to this...

Hawke, Keating and Aboriginal rights: Labor’s “sorry” history

Hawke and Keating turned their back on Aboriginal land rights, argues Jean Parker

Teachers right to ban tests for MySchool

National teaching unions are set to ban upcoming National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests. The move comes after newspapers in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne used information from the...

Three strikes and counting at Star City

Workers at Star City Casino in Sydney have taken three rounds of strike action over their employers’ lousy pay offer. Despite workers already rejecting the agreement when the Casino put...

Workers on strike for a fair go from Fairfax

Clerical workers at The Age newspaper have gone on strike for the first time ever as part of enterprise bargaining agreement (EBA) negotiations. Workers from the contact centre, accounts and telesales...

Pearson’s Radical Hope: Assimilation

Conservative Indigenous leader Noel Pearson uses his new essay Radical Hope to argue for a neo-liberal agenda in Aboriginal education, argues Ernest PriceNoel Pearson, the Howard government’s go-to conservative...

Hollywood fights imperialism in 3D

Review: Avatar Directed by James Cameron, in cinemas nowAVATAR MIGHT not be the subtlest movie around but its central message is reaching millions: if ordinary people unite, we can win...

Alistair Hulett: Voice of the voiceless, music of the people!

ALISTAIR HULETT is gone. He went on 28 January 2010. But Alistair is still everywhere in the world, on vinyl, cd, and now of course on Youtube. We still...

Black and white unite to build protest house

A “protest house” built at the walk-off camp established by the Alyawarr people, is set to be opened on February 14. It will coincide with national demonstrations against the...

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