Israeli terror state stirs up violent racism

The discovery of the bodies of three kidnapped Israeli teenagers was Israel’s justification for beginning the bombing.

Israel’s government has blamed the deaths on Hamas, but nobody has been charged and Hamas has not claimed responsibility. Hundreds of activists arrested during the search for the teenagers, including nearly all of Hamas’ West Bank leaders, have not been released.

But if anything the reaction has exposed the brutal racism behind Zionism.

In a statement after the bodies were discovered, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quoted a famous Hebrew poem, “Revenge for the blood of a little child has yet to be devised by Satan.”

Three Israelis have now been charged for a revenge attack on Palestinian boy Mohamed Abu Khdeir, who was kidnapped and burnt alive.

In the Israeli town of Sderot, bordering on Gaza, Israelis set up a vantage point to watch and cheer on the bombs dropping on Gaza while they ate popcorn.

A Facebook page calling for revenge gathered 40,000 fans. The night before Mohamed’s body was found, right-wing Israelis marched through Jerusalem shouting “death to Arabs!” and assaulting Arab workers.

Protests in Israeli Arab communities in response to Mohamed’s death were met with the “tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-coated bullets”, according the Miami Herald.

This is the end result of establishing Israel as a racially exclusive state based on the colonial dispossession of the Palestinians. Its continued existence relies on terror.

By Amy Thomas


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