Things they say

“There’s never been an industrial dispute in this country that wasn’t solved by talking.”

Deputy PM Julia Gillard on the Fairfax dispute

“If these things are not to be undertaken … I’m not just talking about electricity but other reforms, certainly there’s no role for me in the New South Wales Parliament.”

Former NSW Treasurer Michael Costa after being told his push for the privatisation of the state’s electricity industry had failed

“My philosophy has always been to do the right thing.”

Michael Costa again, at the press conference after his sacking

“While I can’t grant our troops the chance to hunt in closed areas or in places with species restrictions, I do want to recognise them and help them hunt this late fall or winter when they get home.”

Republican nominee for vice president, Sarah Palin, displays her respect for US troops in Iraq

“Everyone I have spoken to in town thinks it is screamingly funny, exactly the same as I did.”

Bob Katter, the right wing Queensland MP, supports the Mt Isa mayor’s sexist call for women who don’t “look like Nicole Kidman” to come to the town

“They are taking the fight to those who want to take Afghanistan back to the dark days of the Taliban regime”

Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon on Australian troops in Afghanistan, after revelations that they had housed detainees in dog pens


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Things they say

We do have real threats, we do have real enemies. Some of them are internal and they have to be monitored.Tony Abbott reveals a...

Things they say

My excuse? I was a bit zoned out. Bad luck, every gun is loaded, every mic is on.Collingwood President Eddie McGuire on why he...