Issue 38 - Sept

Why the refugee movement must relate to Labor

HOW THE refugee movement relates to members of the Labor Party is again assuming strategic importance for the campaign. The question will become even more crucial in the lead...

Debate: should we defend the carbon tax?

The carbon tax has been a subject of much debate on the left and in the trade union movement. We asked NSW Greens MP John Kaye why he thinks...

Liberal porkies on budget hole

The NSW Liberal government is gearing up for severe budget cuts, with reports that some departments are facing spending cuts of 25 per cent.According to The Daily Telegraph, 400...

All out to beat O’Farrell—break the wage cap, back the teachers

TENS OF thousands of teachers, nurses, firefighters and public servants are expected to rally on September 8 to launch the campaign against NSW Liberal Premier Barry O’Farrell’s attempt to...

NSW teachers face new push for market reforms

NSW PUBLIC school teachers, already fighting to protect public service pay and jobs, now have another reason to take action against the new Liberal government. In early August NSW...

Public service sees red over pay cap

THE NEW federal Department of Community Services (DHS) is moving to ballot workers on a new agreement based on the 3 per cent pay cap being imposed across the...

Somalia’s famine: how world leaders let people starve

ON JULY 20, the UN declared a famine in southern Somalia. This is the first official famine in 25 years. It is estimated that some 10,000 children had already died...

Eyewitness: UK rioters’ rage at a criminal system

Carl Taylor gives an eyewitness account of the London riots and the moral hysteria that's followedFOR FOUR days in early August angry crowds gathered in poor, inner city areas...

Gaddafi’s gone—but West now wants to rule

The 42-year old Gaddafi dictatorship is over. Rebel forces have seized Tripoli, the capital of Libya and Gaddafi’s stronghold. The end of Gaddafi himself, the perpetrator of brutal repression,...

Chaos and carnage in the world economy

The economic crisis is back with a vengeance, argues James SuppleCHAOS ON global stockmarkets in recent weeks has revived fears that the world economy is heading back into meltdown....

Norway massacre: the ugly face of Islamophobia

The anti-Muslim ideas behind Anders Behring Breivik’s mass murder in Norway start with the political mainstream, argues Amy ThomasTHE MEDIA and the political establishment tied themselves in knots to...

Storming heaven: the Paris Commune of 1871

More than a century ago, workers in Paris demonstrated how to build a new society, explains Lachlan MarshallSEVERAL TIMES throughout the past century workers have struggled against the state...

The unknown Mozart

Mozart’s Sister Directed by Rene Feret In cinemas now Mozart’s Sister is a French film that tells the overlooked story of Maria Anna Walburga Ignatius Mozart, or Nannerl, as she is referred...

Telling glimpse into Tamil Tigers’ doomed route to national liberation

Tamil Tigress By Niromi de Soyza Allen & Unwin, $32.99Tamil Tigress is the memoir of Niromi de Soyza, who in 1987, at the age of 17, left her middle-class family to...

Nationalist myths of Australia’s war in the Pacific

Australia’s Pacific War: Challenging a National Myth By Tom O’Lincoln, Interventions $20.00As Tom O’Lincoln’s new book points out, WWII is held up as a “good war”, when Australia fought alongside...

Things they say

“Karl Marx said it right. At some point capitalism can self-destruct itself because you cannot keep on shifting income from labor to capital without having excess capacity and a...

Gillard reinvents the Pacific solution

As Solidarity goes to press, the High Court has announced it will hand down a decision on the challenge to the Malaysia refugee deal on Wednesday August 31. Whether...

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