Issue 50 - Oct

Nine weeks! Abigroup workers defy the courts and win

Construction workers at the Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH), the largest building site in Brisbane, have had a significant victory after a nine week, 63 day strike, against construction firm...

Strikes needed to stop Newman’s cuts

More than 10,000 public servants and union members joined an angry mass rally against Queensland’s Liberal National Party (LNP) government in September. The turn out demonstrates the will to...

Fight O’Farrell’s cuts, defend permanent jobs in schools

State Liberal government cutbacks across Australia resulted last month in the largest teachers’ strike in Victorian history and 10,000 workers taking to Brisbane’s streets.In NSW too, Public Service Association...

A High Court win but ASIO refugees still in limbo

In a dramatic judgement on October 5, the High Court declared that it was unlawful for the government to deny a protection visa to any asylum seeker on the...

Exiled Sri Lankan journalist on the war on Tamils: Military terror and disappearances are rife

Solidarity spoke to Bashana Abeywardane a journalist forced to flee Sri Lanka in 2006 who now lives in Europe and features in a new documentary Silenced Voices—Tales of Sri...

Safar Ali: refugee they want to deport to danger

“My name is Safar Ali Fahimi. I am an Hazara asylum seeker from Ghazni province in Afghanistan... I fled Afghanistan because I was on a Taliban death list.” Safar...

Labor’s horror story begins: no to Nauru, no to Manus Island

Detention on Nauru is already generating misery for the refugees sent there since September 14. Housed in tents with inadequate medical care and with no access to lawyers, the...

More NT communities demand community control

A growing number of NT Aboriginal communities are pushing to reclaim control of their communities and assets, in the wake of the Country Liberals’ NT election victory promising to...

Justice for Kwementyaye means charges must be laid

Kwementyaye Briscoe’s family are demanding criminal charges against police over the young man’s death in the Alice Springs watch house in January. Family members led a demonstration of 100...

Islamophobia, hypocrisy and Sydney’s Muslim ‘riot’

Police, politicians and the media unleashed a wave of Islamophobia in response to the protest in Sydney against the film The Innocence of Muslims.In words designed to stoke...

Anger at imperialism cuts across Muslim world

The protest in Sydney was one of many. In Pakistan protesters set fire to buildings and at least 20 people died in clashes with police. The anger at US...

Free speech no defence for hate

Muslims protesting have been accused of wanting to deny freedom of speech. Proposals for restrictions on vilifying Islam brought to the UN General Assembly meeting in September were dismissed...

The murder of Jill Meagher and the fight against sexism

There was an outpouring of community concern at the rape and murder of ABC journalist, Jill Meagher. The circumstances of her death—while walking home after a night out—were shocking....

Anti-cuts campaign delivers left majority to Sydney Uni SRC

As Spring warmed early September, Sydney University geared up to elect its 85th Student Representative Council.Colourful A-frames sporting the slogans of the major factions sprouted up on Eastern...

Miners’ strike wave shaking South Africa’s ruling party

Wildcat strikes have broken out across South Africa following the victory of platinum miners at the Lonmin mine in Marikana.The police massacre of 36 miners at Marikana in...

Anti-austerity battle reignites in Europe

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government must feel under siege. And in late September it was literally besieged, as more than 40,000 people surrounded the Congress building in Madrid....

Debt crisis spreads from Greece across Europe

France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and—last but not least—Spain. A storm of anti-austerity protest has been sweeping through Europe. This represents a very sharp change in the political temperature. For...

US election, Obama and the dream forgotten

US President Barack Obama has kept up a slight poll lead against Republican challenger Mitt Romney in the lead up to the November 6 presidential elections. But in stark...

Defying the law: the Queensland 1982 general strike

Amy Thomas looks at the inspiring story of how workers beat back Joh Bjelke-PetersenImagine the joy of seeing a humiliated Queensland Premier Campbell Newman backing down from his anti-union...

Spies, secrets and national security: The truth about ASIO

ASIO’s involvement in refugee security assessments has focused some attention on Australia’s spy agency. Tom Orsag looks at their horrible history and explains why they can’t be trustedASIO security...

Algeria: from liberation to dictatorship

On the fifty year anniversary of Algerian independence, Solidarity looks at the limits of Algeria’s national liberation struggle and change within the framework of capitalismFifty years ago Algerians won...

Labor’s Accord: How Hawke and Keating began a neo-liberal revolution

The Labor government of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating set out to cut wages and restore profits as part of a neo-liberal restructuring program, argues Jean Parker

Grocon dispute ends in unnecessary union backdown

The end of the Grocon blockade in Melbourne has resulted in a significant setback for the CFMEU. After thousands of building workers blockaded the Myer Emporium site for several...

Sensis workers vote for deal, but plenty more to fight for next time

Workers have voted to accept both Enterprise Agreements at Sensis after a year long campaign. But a substantial minority followed the AMWU’s recommendation to vote no, defying management intimidation...

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