Issue 94 - Sept

Wake up call for the left in NSW Greens

The right-wing of the NSW Greens has declared war on the left. It is clear that the right of the party now thinks it can use Justin Field’s election to go the offensive.

Support floods in as students occupy to save SCA

Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) students are entering their third week occupying administration offices. The campaign is pushing more and more people to publicly condemn the university.

Kalgoorlie rages against racism after 14-year-old run down

The murder of 14-year-old Elijah Doughty in Kalgoorlie has shone another spotlight on the brutal racism inflicted on Aboriginal children in Australia.

Pile pressure on Turnbull as plebsicite plan falters

The Liberals’ plans for a plebiscite on equal marriage are now in serious doubt, with both The Greens and Nick Xenophon’s party deciding to vote against it.

Public servants strike for 24 hours

Thousands of federal public servants were set to strike as Solidarity went to press, continuing the campaign against plans to cut working conditions in exchange for a miserable 2 per cent a year pay rise.

Striking back against the new economy at Deliveroo

Around 200 workers at Deliveroo in London stopped the imposition of a new unfair work contract in August after six days of strikes. Their victory showed that even workers in the new so-called “gig economy” can still organise collectively to fight back.

Burkini ban deepens Islamophobia in France

Several beach towns in France have banned the burkini, a full-body swimsuit worn by some Muslim women. This comes after years of restrictions on what Muslim women can wear in France.

Imperialist carve up as Turkish tanks enter Syria

Turkish tanks, backed by US air strikes, have swept into northern Syria and attacked Kurdish YPG forces.

Fifty years since the Gurindji strike: Unions and the fight for land rights

The Gurindji walk off, which launched the Land Rights movement, showed the potential for fusing trade union and anti-racist struggles, argues Paddy Gibson

Captured by parliament: Why MPs betray the cause

The nature of parliament exerts conservative pressures on left-wing MPs, as the history of sending them into parliament shows, writes James SuppleMost people who want change look to parliament...

Mental illness and the sickness of capitalism

Mental illness has become incredibly widespread because capitalism is a fundamentally alienating and sick system, argues Chris BreenOver the next two years the Turnbull government will cut over $140...

The Boer War—Australian atrocities for empire

The hellholes on Manus Island and Nauru can trace their lineage from Australia’s participation in the world’s first concentration camps—more than 100 years ago on the South African veldt.

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