Issue 105 - Aug

Campus record of sexual assault product of a sexist society

Australia’s universities are fostering an environment where sexual assault and harassment are commonplace, a new Human Rights Commission report shows.

Tokenistic plan for Indigenous ‘voice to parliament’ stalls

In July, the government-appointed Referendum Council delivered their final report, following two years of consultation with Aboriginal people about “recognition” in the Australian constitution.

Shackled to a hospital bed, Indigenous man dies in custody

Eric Whittaker, a 35-year-old Gamilaroi man and father of five, died while shackled to his hospital bed on 4 July.

Another Manus death—Turnbull is worse than Trump

The death of Hamed Shamshiripour has rocked the Manus detention centre. Hamed, a 31 year-old Iranian refugee, was found hanging from a tree on 7 August behind the school, near the East Lorengau Transit Centre.

Wages and inequality: Why are we feeling the pinch?

If you’re feeling worse off financially, it’s because you are. Wages in Australia went backwards in real (after inflation) terms in the first quarter of 2017.It’s part of a...

NSW universities move towards strikes

Workers at three NSW universities are moving closer to strike action in the face of their managements’ attacks on working conditions and pay.

Bureau outlook stormy as staff step up industrial action

CPSU members at the Bureau of Meteorology have been ramping up industrial action.

Mosul ‘liberation’ leaves city destroyed

Last month Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory against Islamic State in Mosul. But there was little to celebrate for the city’s residents.

How enterprise bargaining traded away our conditions

The acceptance of enterprise bargaining has seen union officials trade away rights like penalty rates, preparing the ground for the Fair Work decision, writes James Supple

The 1945 Saigon uprising: Workers and anti-imperialism in Vietnam

When France returned as a colonial power to Vietnam in 1945, the Vietminh were determined to hold back social revolution, writes Mark Goudkamp

What is class in the 21st century?

Apparent changes to the way we work can make it seem as if the working class no longer exists. But Joseph Choonara argues that we still have the potential to change the world

NSW delegates meeting calls October stopwork rally

Union delegates in NSW have voted to hold a union-wide stopwork rally on Wednesday 18 October to step up the fight against the Turnbull government’s war on workers.

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