Issue 142 - Nov

Defiant student protests fight to stop cuts at Sydney Uni

Cuts are raining down in universities across the country. But students at Sydney Uni have shown that it is possible to fight.

Santos gas project goes ahead in climate disaster

The Narrabri gas project in northwest NSW’s Pilliga region has been approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission, despite widespread opposition amongst scientists, environmentalists, traditional owners and local farmers.

Pay cut for NSW workers on pandemic frontline

Over 400,000 public sector workers in NSW will have their pay rise slashed to just 0.3 per cent this year, following a decision in the Industrial Relations Commission.

Greek Nazis jailed in victory for the anti-fascist movement

The leadership of Greece’s Nazi Golden Dawn party is behind bars, with leader Nikos Michaloliakos and six other former MPs sentenced to 13 years’ jail and another 11 former MPs to between five and seven years.

Protests as Indonesia uses pandemic to rip away workers’ rights

Indonesians took to the streets in every province from 6-8 October to protest the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. The bill is a blow to labour, indigenous and environmental rights.

Win for the left in Bolivian vote

After almost a year of an unelected right-wing government backed by the US, the people of Bolivia have voted to remove the coup regime.Exit polls showed the Movement For...

Biden no antidote to Trump’s racism and the far right

Millions across the world are horrified at the chance that Donald Trump could win again in the US presidential election on 3 November.

Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict fed by outside powers

A long-running border dispute between armenia and azerbaijan has flared up with some of the heaviest fighting in four years.The fighting underlines the potential for spreading military conflict in...

Blaming white workers for racism lets our rulers off the hook

White Fragility is feeding a market hungry for ideas about how to join the fight against racism since the recent Black Lives Matter protests rocked the world.

William Cooper—activist who helped found the Aboriginal rights movement

Aboriginal activist William Cooper led one of the earliest Aboriginal political organisations to fight against discrimination and racism, writes Feiyi Zhang

One hundred years on—The Communist Party of Australia’s radical beginnings

One hundred years since its founding, there are key lessons from the role the Communist Party played in the militant union movement, writes Judy McVey, despite their flawed politics

US refugee deal winds up with hundreds still in limbo

Marc Ablong from Home Affairs told October’s Senate Estimates hearing that the deal with the US to resettle refugees from Nauru and PNG would finish in March or April 2021.

Handouts for business and the rich in budget that fails those hit by pandemic

The Liberals will shovel billions in subsidies and handouts to business and the rich, in a budget that fails those worst hit by the pandemic.

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