Issue 183 - May

Labor’s cost of living band-aids in budget leave real problems ignored

Labor’s budget is about making it look like the government is acting on the cost of living, in the hope of dampening the anger workers feel about it in time for an election in the next year.

Labor backs more money for weapons in $330 billion plan

In the run-up to the budget, Labor unveiled its new National Defence Strategy, announcing over $330 billion in spending on new weapons and military hardware over the next decade as it gears up for war on China.

Unions support Palestine at Sydney 1 May rally

Thousands of workers downed tools to march through Sydney on 1 May, with construction and maritime unions making May Day an annual stop work rally.

Labor locks in gas expansion in new crime against the climate

Labor’s new gas strategy pledges its support for a massive fossil fuel expansion, going all out to back mining industry profits.

Approval laws delayed in further effort to do the bidding of coal and gas industry

New environmental protection laws promised before the last election have been put indefinitely on hold, in another effort by the Albanese government to serve the coal and gas industry.

Ukraine faltering as US agrees to feed in more weapons

After months of delays, the US Congress has approved a further $90 billion of aid as Ukraine faces growing pressure from fresh Russian advances.

Haunting Holocaust film that resonates amid Gaza genocide

Director Jonathan Glazer’s speech after winning Best Picture at this year’s Academy Awards punctured the banality of the ceremony.

Direct action, mass protests and the fight for Palestine

Direct action protests that disrupt business as usual should not be seen as an end in themselves but as part of a broader strategy of mass action, writes Adam Adelpour

Frantz Fanon—Decolonisation and violence

Frantz Fanon’s writings on racism and the difference between colonial violence and violent resistance to it remain valuable today, writes Miro Sandev

Blood for oil—Why the West arms Israel

Control of the Middle East has been a key focus for the world’s big powers due to its immense reserves of oil, and Israel remains vital to preserving it, writes James Supple

End systemic pressures inside the family to end violence against women

The problem is not straightforwardly men’s power over women but the unbearable pressure on everybody to perform socially recognisable gender roles in a nuclear family.

Melbourne Uni students occupy to cut ties with Israel

Students at Melbourne Uni have occupied the Arts West building three weeks after they began their encampment in solidarity with Gaza.

NTEU at Sydney Uni backs the academic boycott of Israeli universities

Sydney University staff have passed an unprecedented motion that will push forward the movement in Australia for the boycott, divestment and sanction of Israel.

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