
NSW power privatisation: selling our services at any cost

The NSW government’s power sell-off has descended into farce. The second round of “partial privatisation”, expected to raise $2 billion, has fallen through due to a lack of bidders....

Only strike campaign can stop Queensland Rail sell-off now

Despite massive public opposition, the Queensland Labor government under Premier Anna Bligh is continuing to push forward with $15 billion worth of public asset sales. The sell-off of Queensland...

NSW unions relaunch campaign against privatisation for state election

Unions NSW Secretary Mark Lennon has announced plans to campaign against privatisation in the lead up to next year’s NSW state election in March. Lennon was hosting a “Better...

Queensland: not for sale!

Deep opposition within the Queensland labour movement to the government’s privatisation program continues to dog the Bligh government. As Solidarity goes to press unions are launching another round of TV...

NSW Labor conference–where was the anti-privatisation revolt?

A union push to overturn the NSW government’s privatisation drive failed to materialise at the Labor state conference in mid-November. A year ago at the state conference a union...

Union fight over privatisation still live in Queensland

Eighty per cent or more of the Queensland electorate remains solidly opposed to the state government’s privatisation agenda in spite of an expensive publicity campaign to convince them otherwise,...

Opposition to privatisation stays strong in Queensland

Anna Bligh was hoping that a combination of time and spin would be enough for Queensland workers to get used to her unpopular decision to privatise $15 billion worth...

Will Nathan Rees survive the NSW Labor conference?

The 2009 NSW Labor conference is shaping up to be a focal point of anger at the Nathan Rees government. At the Sydney Entertainment centre on the weekend of...

Campaign against Queensland privatisation continues

Unions and community groups are continuing to resist Bligh’s plan to privatise $15 billion worth of public assets. More than 200 unionists including many from the nearby railway workshops...

Campaign saves Cessnock prison, but NSW privatisation drive goes on

With Cessnock jail off the privatisation list, union activists including prison guards (PSA), teachers (NSWTF), nurses, AMWU and NTEU are seeking to extend the campaign across the state. “This was a...

United union fight needed to beat NSW privatisations

A united cross-union campaign against the NSW government’s privatisation fire sale is needed, as prison workers continue their fight against privatisation. The latest announcement, made just before the Easter holidays,...

Anti-privatisation campaign reignites in NSW

NSW unions are again locked in battle with the state Labor government over privatisation. With the government accelerating its planned sell-off of prisons, members of the Public Service Association...

ABC Learning–save the centres, save the jobs

As Solidarity goes to print, the fate of up to 386 ABC Learning child care centres is in doubt. That represents one-tenth of the national child care resources. The...

NSW government pushes privatisation and cutbacks

In the context of the global financial crisis, governments across the world have abandoned financial conservatism, proposing significant expenditure programs, often funded through debt. The Chinese government recently outlined...

Robbo goes to parliament

What does it do for the union movement’s credibility when its elected leader joins the government?I’d just checked my email and read that the NSW government wants TAFE teachers...

Does NSW really face a budget crisis?

ALMOST THE first words uttered by the new premier Nathan Rees were along the lines of “I’ve been briefed by Treasury. It’s worse than I thought. We could lose...

The AAA credit rating and other Treasury myths

There is a desperate need to invest in public services infrastructure in NSW. Lack of spending has led to ongoing scandals in the hospital system and the deterioration of...

Explaining Iemma’s privatisation obsession

Why would a Labor government push ahead with a power privatisation plan opposed by 85 per cent of voters, rejected by a massive majority at its own party conference,...

Campaign against sell-off brings down Iemma

THE TOPPLING of NSW Premier Morris Iemma and Treasurer Michael Costa, and the defeat of their plans to privatise the power stations, is a real victory against Labor’s agenda...

Protest can deal blow to NSW privatisation

WITH MORRIS Iemma’s position as NSW premier looking ever more fragile, a further demonstration against his proposed power sell-off will be held on September 20. There needs to be...

Newcastle Climate Camp fosters national debate and planning on climate change

Climate Camp, a protest against the coal industry in Newcastle NSW, was a success and an important step forward in continuing to build a movement for real solutions to...

Rethink needed in power sell-off fight

THE LATEST humiliating back-flip by the NSW government over its planned power sell-off indicates two things. Firstly, NSW Labor is facing a serious crisis. According to the polls, the...

NSW teachers take on Iemma

NSW TEACHERS will continue rolling industrial action unless the New South Wales government sits down and negotiates on proposed changes to the school staffing and transfer system.In late May...

Climate Camp needs focus on domestic emitters

IN JULY hundreds of people will converge in Newcastle in a week long camp, with the aim of drawing attention to Australia's contribution to climate change and rejuvenating the...

Lessons in New Labour’s failures

WORKERS IN Britain woke up with a big shock after council elections on 1 May, as the Tories pushed Labour into third position.The results reveal a Labour Party in...

Globalisation nations and economics

Rogue EconomicsLoretta Napoleoni, Allen & Unwin, $29.95WHAT LINKS the growth in sex trade in Eastern Europe, fishing piracy in the North Sea and professional players of the online computer...

Crunch time for anti-privatisation campaign

THE CAMPAIGN against electricity privatisation has reached a critical stage in NSW.Concerted campaigning within the ALP and amongst the public secured an overwhelming vote against privatisation at the ALP...

Queensland privatisation disaster complete

AS PART of its privatisation plan, the NSW government wants to sell off the state's retail electricity arm. But, whatever their claims, the evidence from the recently completed retail...

Missed chance to map out agenda for change

Dear Mr RuddEdited by Robert ManneBlack Inc, $29.95With Howard finally gone, the time would seem right for a book that lays out how the new government can go about...

NSW privatisation plans on the brink

NSW Premier Morris Iemma and Treasurer Michael Costa have displayed an unprecedented level of arrogance in their attempt to push through power privatisation.Privatisation is against NSW Labor party policy...

Inflation fight targeted at our living standards

Kevin Rudd's first few months have seen important symbolic breaks with Howard's legacy. The highpoint so far was his apology to the Stolen Generations, reversing Howard's attempt to hide...

Thousands march against NSW privatisation plans

THOUSANDS OF union members marched last month against the NSW government's plans to privatise electricity. Despite industry claims otherwise, two-thirds of the state is opposed to the policy.The rally...

Garnaut proposes 90 per cent cut

PROFESSOR ROSS Garnaut, establishment economist and China expert, dropped a bombshell in his interim report on climate change, jointly commissioned by state and federal governments.He bluntly warns that time...

2020–the summit vision in hindsight

Kevin Rudd talked about "opening a window on our democracy to let some fresh air in." But how fresh was the 2020 summit?If imitation is the sincerest form or...

Revolt against privatisation

Iemma and Costa have made clear their determination to push ahead with privatisation despite their crushing defeat at the ALP state conference. But there is no reason why they...

ALP member–anger against privatisation in the party runs deep

Solidarity spoke to Robyn Fortescue, from the Darlington Labor party branchThe rank-and-file members within the party have always been opposed to privatisation and it's not just, as Iemma is...

Why is Iemma obsessed with privatisation

THE NSW Labor party has been wracked by a bitter dispute over the government's attempt to privatise the power industry.Labor Premier Morris Iemma's plan has been opposed by...

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