
Protester facing jail under COVID rules after police attack anti-cuts protest at Sydney Uni

Students and staff protested against plans for massive jobs cuts at the University of Sydney on Wednesday—only to again face a draconian and hypocritical police operation to disrupt and disperse them.

Campaigns that showed how to stop cuts on campus

Lessons from the fight against job cuts at Sydney University in 2012 and the campaign to Save Sydney College of the Arts in 2016

Fight begins against Liberals’ new cuts and fee increases

The Morrison Government is hoping the Senate will agree to its university fee increases when parliament resumes from 24 August.

Sydney Uni students and staff start the fight against cuts and fee increases

Students and staff at Sydney Uni are leading the way in the fightback against cuts on campus. With the Liberals announcing new plans to increase student fees, we need to escalate the fight to defend our education.

We need a fight to stop every cut to jobs, pay, and courses: USYD Solidarity Students’ Statement

The latest attacks on tertiary education are unprecedented—thousands of jobs and hundreds of courses are slated to be slashed. USYD Chancellor Belinda Hutchinson isn’t mincing her words, “We are putting into place an austerity program.”

More women deserve places in STEM—no to sexism at UTS

Removing barriers for women in gaining entry to STEM courses is a welcome step in addressing entrenched sexism.

Making students pay—30 years since the end of free education

Student debt levels have exploded since HECS fees were introduced 30 years ago, explains Tom Fiebig, as governments have moved to slash spending on universitiesToday, a university student will...

Liberals’ ‘free speech’ crusade is an attack on right to protest

Liberal Education Minister Dan Tehan has launched an anti-protest crusade in the name of “free speech” on campuses.

Right-Wing victory in Sydney Uni student elections—build the fightback

Liberal-backed right-wing factions dominated this year’s student elections at the University of Sydney. The left-wing fightback has to start now.

Fight back Turnbull’s $2.8 billion uni cuts and fee hikes

The budget is a massive attack on students and university education. It rips $2.8 billion over four years out of universities across Australia.

The art of struggle: Lessons from the fight to save SCA

The SCA campaign became one of the most significant fronts nationally in the fight against the tide of neoliberalism over the past year. We are sharing our experiences so that students everywhere can see that it is possible to fight back and sharing the strategy and tactics that made possible one of the longest student occupations in Australian university history.

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