Here is a selection of articles from the Solidarity archives on the foundation of Israel, its links to imperialism and Palestinian resistance to it.
Palestinians are right to resist Israeli terror
Zionism and the Middle East—why the West arms Israel
Israel’s 1967 war: Six days that entrenched imperialism
The myths behind Zionism’s claim to Palestine
How Israel trades on war and occupation
Sabra and Shatila 40 years on—Israel’s brutal war crime
The First Intifada—30 years since Palestinians rose up against Israel
Palestine strikes ‘from the river to the sea’ to defy Israeli terror
Thousands march against Palestinian Authority in West Bank
Why standing up for Palestine is not antisemitic
Can change come from inside Israel?
You can find many more Solidarity articles on Palestine here.
And if you prefer podcasts, here is a selection.
Revolution and the Middle East: why Palestine is still the issue
Why supporting Palestine is not antisemitic