Things they say

My excuse? I was a bit zoned out. Bad luck, every gun is loaded, every mic is on.

Collingwood President Eddie McGuire on why he referred to Aboriginal footballer Adam Goodes as someone who should play King Kong on radio

As I explained in introducing [Tony] Abbott at the IPA anniversary dinner, Abbott must operate within the cultural space allowed him. My role is to help expand the cultural space so that what was once thought too hard, too risky, becomes the easy and sane. It is also to point to what needs doing, before most people are ready for the bother.

Right-wing commentator Andrew Bolt explains his role

I will have to downgrade my house if I go and live in The Lodge.

Clive Palmer is prepared to sacrifice for the Prime Ministership

[The influence of the Greens] has taken policy more to the left rather then the centre. I think that hasn’t been helpful from a business perspective.

Heather Ridout, Reserve Bank board member and former Australian Industry Group chief executive

For my labour I expect to be paid an amount that reflects my service.

Westfield Chairman Frank Lowy explaining why he and his sons paid themselves $18.9 million this year on top of the $91.6 million they got from Westfield dividends

They must have thought I was hungry.

Julia Gillard after a child ruined her photo op in a school by throwing a sandwich at her for the second time in a month


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Things they say

We do have real threats, we do have real enemies. Some of them are internal and they have to be monitored.Tony Abbott reveals a...

Things they say

We rang everyone in December and said, ‘Please, don’t come.’A “Labor strategist” in Western Australia didn’t want the great reputation of federal Labor...