Issue 4 - Jun

Lessons in New Labour’s failures

WORKERS IN Britain woke up with a big shock after council elections on 1 May, as the Tories pushed Labour into third position.The results reveal a Labour Party in...

Aboriginal delegation speaks out against NT intervention

A delegation from Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory who are campaigning against the intervention travelled to Sydney for the Aboriginal Rights Conference in late May. Below Solidarity reprints...

Review announced but conference charts course to fight the intervention

More than 100 people came from all corners of the country to Redfern, Sydney for the Aboriginal Rights Coalition "Black and White, Unite and Fight" conference on 23, 24,...

Climate change, poverty and capitalist development

Measures that could genuinely tackle rising carbon emissions are being held back by the desire of individual countries not to harm their economy's global competitiveness, writes Ernest Price.FROM...

NSW teachers take on Iemma

NSW TEACHERS will continue rolling industrial action unless the New South Wales government sits down and negotiates on proposed changes to the school staffing and transfer system.In late May...

Unions versus Labor- the 1948 rail strike

Mark Gillespie looks at the Queensland rail strike of 1948, when the Communist Party led workers in a vicious battle with a state Labor government determined to keep down...

Inflation rhetoric is scare tactic

CONTINUOUSLY SINCE its election, the Rudd government has tried to convince us of the urgent necessity of reducing inflation. Why is it so worried?The inflation rate, at 4.2 per...

Superhero fights for the US war machine

Iron ManDirected by Jon FavreauIn cinemas nowAndrea: "Unhappy is the land that breeds no hero."Galileo: "No, Andrea: unhappy is the land that needs a hero."-Life of Galileo by Bertolt...

Engineers battle below inflation scare tactic

IN MAY, around 1500 Qantas aircraft engineers took strike action in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne over a pay claim. They took this action despite rumours of 100 strike breakers...

Entertaining series fails to probe crime’s roots

UnderbellyProduced by Greg Haddrick and Brenda PamOut now on DVDUNDERBELLY, THE TV series that dramatised the long-running drug wars in Melbourne, has been a huge hit for Channel Nine.Despite...

Rudd repeats Howard ban on same sex unions

IN EARLY May, the Rudd government threatened to overturn the proposed civil unions bill for same-sex couples in the ACT, breaking a key election promise not to block the...

Globalisation nations and economics

Rogue EconomicsLoretta Napoleoni, Allen & Unwin, $29.95WHAT LINKS the growth in sex trade in Eastern Europe, fishing piracy in the North Sea and professional players of the online computer...

Victorian Labor should end all abortion restrictions

THE VICTORIAN Law Reform Commission has just delivered its report on reforming abortion law in the state. As is the case in all states and territories, abortion in Victoria...


Time for an end to 'wage restraint'Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard talk a lot about working families. But when Qantas workers, university workers or teachers ask for wage...

Howard legacy hangs over Villawood

AT THE end of May, Immigration minister Chris Evans announced a long awaited review of the cases of long term detainees. But the results fell far short of what...

Anti-Muslim racism at play in Camden

IN MANY ways, the gatherings in Camden, on Sydney's outskirts, opposing the construction of an Islamic school, resembled the Cronulla riots minus the booze.When, on May 27, the...

Rudd the ‘anti-terror’ laws and the Haneef inquiry

SINCE COMING to power late last year, the Rudd Government has been unabashed in continuing the Howard Government's "anti-terror" campaign. Not only has the Rudd government made it clear...

Climate Camp needs focus on domestic emitters

IN JULY hundreds of people will converge in Newcastle in a week long camp, with the aim of drawing attention to Australia's contribution to climate change and rejuvenating the...

China quake- ‘This is not a natural disaster’

The death toll from China's earthquake has risen to 65,000, with over 23,000 people still missing. Such a powerful quake might be expected to claim many lives. But a...

Rudd under the pump?

IS RUDD'S honeymoon coming to an end? Recent weeks have seen him blunder over fuel prices, his Howardesque moralism over Bill Henson and brewing battles with unions over pay...

Crunch time for anti-privatisation campaign

THE CAMPAIGN against electricity privatisation has reached a critical stage in NSW.Concerted campaigning within the ALP and amongst the public secured an overwhelming vote against privatisation at the ALP...

Rudd’s Iraq withdrawal and the new US plan

Robert Nicholas explains the realities of Rudd's "withdrawal" from the occupation of Iraq and the new US bid for ongoing control of the region.ON JUNE 28 Kevin Rudd will...

Henson photos controversy- artists revolt against Rudd’s moralism

"I FIND them absolutely revolting... Whatever the artistic view of the merits of that sort of stuff-frankly, I don't think there are any-just allow kids to be kids." This...

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