Issue 58 - July

Australian imperialism, aid and the PNG solution

One of the appalling aspects of the PNG solution—and the entire Pacific Solution—is the way the Labor government has coerced poor, small Pacific countries to be complicit with Australia’s...

Nauru burns—riot on

On Friday 19 July, the Nauru detention centre burned to the ground. The flames on Nauru were the backdrop to Rudd’s announcement of the “PNG Solution”. The protest was...

Refugee crisis a chance for Greens to build

Greens leader Christine Milne was a clear voice of opposition to Kevin Rudd’s appalling new refugee plan. Her angry press conference soon after Rudd’s announcement struck a chord and...

Rudd’s party reform is an attack on the unions

Kevin Rudd has moved to entrench his control within the Labor Party with his proposed party reforms. But Rudd’s real aim is to weaken union influence in the party,...

Kevin Rudd: rhetoric versus reality

For refugee supporters, any illusion that Kevin Rudd was more progressive than Julia Gillard came crashing down after he announced his new PNG “solution”.But Rudd’s primary vote is...

Locked out Yallourn workers dig in for the fight

Seventy five power workers at Yallourn remained locked out after four weeks as Solidarity goes to print. The workers have now set up a 24-hour protest camp near the...

Nurses strike campaign challenging NSW Libs

Nurses across NSW held one of their biggest strikes in history in NSW on July 24. Over 5,000 striking nurses packed into a meeting at Sydney’s Olympic Park and...

Prepare for action as verdict looms for Bob Carnegie

A federal magistrates’ court verdict is overdue for Bob Carnegie, a union and community activist who faces 18 contempt of court charges. Justice Burnett told Bob to expect a...

SYRIZA retreats as Greek crisis deepens

The right of the Greek party SYRIZA won a victory over its left bloc at its founding conference in mid-July in Athens. The conference brought together 3500 delegates from...

Trayvon Martin case: a verdict on US racism

A verdict of “not guilty” for George Zimmerman, the white neighborhood watch volunteer who murdered black 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012, was met with outrage in cities across...

Egypt’s second revolution

A mass uprising in Egypt has forced out President Mohammad Mursi just one year after he took office.The military was forced to step in and remove Mursi after over...

Workers and the poor resist fuel price hike in Indonesia

Thousands of Indonesian students, unionists and workers took to the streets in anger in June as the government forced through major cuts to fuel subsidies. The cuts mean a...

Entrenching the NT Intervention: what happened to the resistance?

Paddy Gibson looks at how the ruthless imposition of Intervention measures in the NT has undermined resistance, and what this means for the futureThe NT Intervention (Northern Territory Intervention...

Lessons from history: how a mass movement ended war in vietnam

Danny Hardiman looks at the lessons of the movement against the Vietnam War in Australia, and how it turned the tide of public opinionThe movement against the Vietnam War...

Capitalist democracy is a system run for the rich

In our democracy the key economic decisions are not open to democratic control, but are made by CEOs and the rich, argues James SuppleDisillusionment with the state of our...

Night Games: An apology for football rape

Night Games Anna Krien Penguin, $29.95Anna Krien has achieved something quite remarkable with her terrible new book, Night Games: Sex, Power and Sport.She set out to write a “balanced and fearless...

Things they say

We do have real threats, we do have real enemies. Some of them are internal and they have to be monitored.Tony Abbott reveals a lot about ASIO at a...

Inside the system

World record bank profitsThe Big Four banks—ANZ, Westpac, Commonwealth and NAB—ranked as the most profitable in the developed world, according to figures released by the Switzerland based Bank of...

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