Issue 76 - Mar

March 4 rally shows appetite to fight Coalition’s cuts

Thousands of unionists took strike action against the Abbott government as part of the Australian Council of Trade Unions March 4 day of protest.

Co-payment victory, but Medicare war goes on

In early March, Health Minister Sussan Ley announced that she was scrapping the $5 optional GP co-payment announced in December 2014. This is the Coalition’s third backdown in three months on the GP co-payment. It is a victory—but the Coalition is still at war on Medicare.

Liberal privatisation plan fuels swing against Baird in NSW

The Liberals under Mike Baird were still favourites to win the NSW election as Solidarity went to press. But a big swing to Labor looks likely.

Private colleges rort students as TAFEs gutted

Private vocational training providers are making the news for ripping off students, funded by student debt through government schemes.

Mass arrests and defiance as Nauru refugees fight for freedom

In January, it was the mass hunger strikes on Manus Island that challenged the offshore processing regime. Now Nauru has become the latest flashpoint of resistance writes Ian Rintoul.

PNG court challenge to Manus Island detention

A major constitutional challenge to the Manus Island detention centre, and the violation of the human rights of asylum seekers detained there, is underway in the PNG Supreme Court.

Redfern Tent Embassy stands strong against developers

The Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy is currently standing strong against repeated threats of eviction from Aboriginal land at the Block in Redfern.

Abbott ramps up attack on Muslims in desperate search for support

Tony Abbott made his most explicit attack on the Muslim community yet in a “national security statement” in late February, surrounded by Australian flags.

Higher HECS fees keep poor students out of universities

The Abbott Government’s efforts to sell its deregulation package included talking up the current Higher Education Commonwealth Support Scheme (HECS).

EU out to crush Syriza’s challenge to austerity

James Supple looks at how negotiations with the EU have seen Syriza agree to accept a new version of austerity—undermining initial promises

Economic shock as mining boom evaporates

The Australian economy’s dream looks to be over as the mining boom runs out of steam and living standards are squeezed. Peter Jones takes a closer look.

How British workers rebelled against the First World War

Tom Orsag explains how the sacrifices demanded during the war produced mass resistance and opposition amongst the British working class

Eleanor Marx: A fighter for workers and women

Lucy Honan reviews two new works on the lesser known Marx and her important contributions to Marxist ideas about women’s liberation and class struggle

Discussing the breakdown of the political system

Tariq Ali is a serious figure on the left and has been since the 1960s. His new book skewers mainstream politics and its purveyors where “centre-left and centre-right collude to preserve the status quo”.

Selma a reminder of the justice still to be won

In official US history, the civil rights movement has been emptied it of its radical content.Martin Luther King now gets a national holiday and is celebrated for non-violence...

Aboriginal community closures: ‘This is an attempt to destroy our culture’

Meriki Onus, from Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and organiser of a rally of more than 1000 people against community closures, spoke to Solidarity about the agenda of assimilation.

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