Issue 131 - Oct

Sydney Uni students’ Climate Strike success

Around 2200 students and staff from the University of Sydney marched to join the Climate Strike on 20 September. This was the largest student mobilisation for the strike in the country and the biggest student rally at the university in the last decade.

Unions back climate strike for jobs and secure future

The union turnout on 20 September was a crucial step towards putting jobs and workers’ rights at the centre of the climate fight.

Tram and train companies attack workers and the right to strike

Workers at Yarra Trams and Metro Trains in Melbourne are fighting private operators who want to increase casualisation and deny workers the right to strike.

Defend Medevac, but fight to open the borders

The battlelines over Medevac are already drawn. Eleven peak medical colleges, as well as the AMA, have publicly called on the government not to repeal the Medevac legislation.

Abortion finally decriminalised in NSW despite right-wing mobilisation

Women’s rights advocates are celebrating after abortion was finally removed from the 119-year-old Crimes Act in NSW.After months of debate, the Abortion Law Reform Bill (previously the Reproductive Health Care...

More towns set to run out of water this summer

The NSW government has set aside $2 million to cart water by truck, admitting that there are 40 towns across the state with less than six months of water left.

Kurds abandoned by US imperialism—again

Turkey has begun a military offensive against Kurdish areas of northern Syria, after US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of US troops giving the green light for the operation.

Hong Kong fights on amid moves towards emergency rule

The uprising in Hong Kong has successfully forced the withdrawal of the hated extradition bill. But protesters are not prepared to trust Chief Executive Carrie Lam and have continued hitting the streets in their hundreds of thousands.

Students shot dead as West Papua protests continue

Lethal violence from the Indonesian military and security forces has generated an “unprecedented crisis” in West Papua, according to human rights lawyer Veronica Koman.

Largest protests since 1998 shake Indonesia

Tens of thousands joined mass protests across Indonesia in September—the largest the country has seen since the movement in 1998 that brought down the dictator Suharto.

Exposing state secrets—and the danger of the US alliance

Journalist Brian Toohey has spent decades investigating the secrets of Australia “security state”, embarrassing ASIO, Defence officials and successive governments.

Why green business can’t solve climate change

The trillions invested in fossil fuels and the cost of shifting to alternatives economy-wide means green business cannot solve the climate crisis, writes Lachlan Marshall

What causes domestic violence?

Lucy Honan looks at a new book by award-winning journalist Jess Hill on the causes of domestic violence—and what can be done about it

Is the media all powerful?

Despite the role the media plays in reinforcing right-wing ideas, its power is often overstated—and it can clash with workers’ own experience of life, argues Ruby Wawn

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