Issue 166 - Dec

Lockout fails, but Svitzer uses anti-strike laws to hobble unions

Last month tug boat operator Svitzer dramatically escalated its attack on its workforce, moving to lock them out indefinitely at 17 ports around the country.

WA nurses’ union faces deregistration threat

The nurses’ union in WA says it has avoided deregistration, after a threat from the IRC following its strike in defiance of Commission orders.

Refugees have unfinished business with Labor

On 29 November more than 1000 refugees rallied on the lawns of Canberra’s Parliament House to once again demand Labor make good on its pre-election promise to grant permanent visas to refugees on temporary visas.

Ukraine war set to grind on as US and Russia dismiss negotiations

Russia has suffered a further defeat in Ukraine, withdrawing from Kherson, the only regional capital that Russian forces successfully occupied since their invasion earlier this year.

Protests continue to rock Iran as regime wavers on headscarf law

Protests in Iran are still ramping up pressure on the regime, entering their third month despite a brutal crackdown by the state.

Australian subimperialism—Submarines, sovereignty and class

Clinton Fernandes’ new book explains how Australia works as a subimperial power alongside the US, but still argues for a nationalist policy, says Robert Stainsby.

Can change come from inside Israel?

Israeli politics is becoming more racist and right-wing as a result of its foundation as a settler state based on Palestinian dispossession, argues James Supple.

Gough Whitlam’s legacy 50 years on: What’s happened to Labor?

Gough Whitlam is remembered as a radical reformer, but his demise laid the ground for Labor’s move to the right, writes Mark Gillespie.

China rebels against COVID repression—workers’ power can bring down the CCP

China has seen the most significant nation-wide protests since the Tiananmen square uprising in 1989, with thousands of people taking to the streets demanding an end to brutal “zero COVID” policies.

Crypto crisis exposes chaos of the system

The crypto bubble has burst, destroying billions of dollars of notional wealth. It’s not just the “crypto bros” who have lost out. Many ordinary people who got caught up in the hype have lost savings.

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