Issue 123 - Feb

Climate strike organiser: ‘the politicians aren’t listening’

Solidarity spoke to Vivienne Paduch, a Year 10 student at Manly Selective School and one of the organisers of Sydney’s Strike for Climate last year about why students have called a second Climate Strike.

Demand government investment in renewables

To have any hope of a transition to a zero carbon economy, we need a climate movement built around real demands for green jobs now, for direct government investment in 100 per cent renewable energy, and for an end to all new coal and gas.

Climate striker: we need support from unions to build the movement’s power

Sydney School Strike 4 Climate activist Aisheeya Huq spoke to a meeting of National Tertiary Education Union members last week. We reprint part of her speech.

Coal workers’ strike wins big victory against casualisation

Workers at a coal mine in NSW have won a big victory against casualisation after four days of strike action.

Port Kembla Coal Terminal fights for job security as termination looms

Workers at Port Kembla Coal Terminal (PKCT) continue to fight to protect their jobs.In April last year the Fair Work Commission sided with the bosses and terminated the workers’ enterprise bargaining agreement.  The...

Wharfies strike to stand up to Hutchison’s attacks

Wharfies in Sydney and Brisbane are a month into their campaign of industrial action to secure a decent Enterprise Agreement (EA) with Hutchison Ports.They are fighting for improvements to safety, training,...

Women in parliament won’t lead a fight against sexism

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young's suggestion that it was time for a women’s caucus in Parliament to combat sexual harassment and bullying completely missed the mark.

Resisting the imperialist coup in Venezuela

The effort to oust Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro came to a head on 23 January, with National Assembly leader Juan Guaidó appointing himself interim president.

Los Angeles teachers’ strike shows how to fight and win

Teachers in Los Angeles became the latest to join the strike wave in education across the US in January, winning historic gains after their first strike in 30 years.A year ago,...

French socialist: Yellow vest revolt is a cry of rage against austerity

Jad Bouharoun is a socialist based in Paris who has been part of the wave of yellow vests protests in France. He will visit Australia in April to speak...

Why capitalism fails and the alternative

Adam Adelpour explains how tackling the rise of racism and the far right, the threat of climate change and growing inequality requires a fight against the system itselfPolitical chaos...

Making students pay—30 years since the end of free education

Student debt levels have exploded since HECS fees were introduced 30 years ago, explains Tom Fiebig, as governments have moved to slash spending on universitiesToday, a university student will...

Rosa Luxemburg—a fighter for revolution

Rosa Luxemburg defended the need for revolution to end the horrors of capitalism, and her ideas were tragically confirmed by the outbreak of world war, argues Sadie Robinson

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