Issue 126 - May

Labor never campaigned on clear call to tax the rich

In the aftermath of Labor’s shock loss, commentators have blamed its plans as too radical and ambitious. But the real failure was their unwillingness to fight for their policies as attacks on the rich.

Election result shows why climate action must mean a fight for jobs

The election result was a heavy blow that has left many supporters of climate action reeling.

New Labor leader Albanese moves the party right

Anthony Albanese, a leading figure in the party’s left faction, is set to be elected as new leader of the Labor Party unopposed. Even the right-wing of the party is backing him.

Greens hold seats but pitch to Liberal voters

Against expectations, The Greens held their seats at the election, winning a Senator in each state and re-electing Adam Bandt in Melbourne.

More Black deaths in custody as police inflict brutal trauma

In April, the family of Yorta Yorta woman Tanya Day led a vigil to mark 26 years since the release of the landmark report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

New campaign fights to decriminalise abortion in NSW

A new lobbying group, the Pro-Choice Alliance, formed by 60 medical and health organisations around NSW, has shone a light on the state’s archaic and sexist abortion laws.

The push to ban NAPLAN at Mount Alexander

There has been more criticism of NAPLAN after outages disrupted this year’s online tests. State governments are continuing to push to replace it.AEU members at Mount Alexander College first took a...

Jokowi wins Indonesian election after cave in to religious conservatism

Incumbent Joko Widodo has claimed victory in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election against Prabowo Subianto.

Venezuelan coup collapses, but dangers remain for Maduro

Juan Guaido’s farcical coup attempt in Venezuela collapsed within hours. But the threat remains—as the crisis in the country continues and the US continues its sabre rattling against the left-wing government of...

Caster Semenya, sport and sex tests

“Hell no.” This was the response from two time Olympic champion Caster Semenya after the athletics governing body ruled that she would need to take testosterone lowering medication to continue to compete in the women’s division of her two best events.

Bob Hawke—Australia’s Thatcher

Bob Hawke has been lauded for his consensus politics, but he waged a brutal assault on unions and Labor’s own working class supporters, argues Ian Rintoul

Extinction rebellion manifesto—How do we build a climate movement that wins?

Extinction Rebellion founder, Roger Hallam, has published his ideas on how to build a movement that can win real change. Sadie Robinson responds

Forging unity in struggle

The Communist International, founded 100 years ago, was the scene of rich debates about how socialists can work in common struggle with other parties, writes Lachlan MarshallThe Liberals’ re-election poses...

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