Issue 148 - May

Morrison funding spree promotes more gas and fossil fuels

The Federal Budget was silent on climate jobs, environmental protection, or climate action. Instead, the Morrison government has decided to throw more public money at carbon intensive industries.

Australia beats the drums of war and fuels confrontation with China

Australia’s rulers are feeding a conflict that could see war between two nuclear-armed powers, the US and China. It’s madness.

Labor backs Coalition’s indefinite detention powers

The government has rammed through legislation that dramatically entrenches its powers to indefinitely detain refugees.

Palestinians are right to resist Israeli terror

Israel’s latest assault has exposed it as a racist, violent state. People who say ‘both sides’ must end violence are really siding with the oppressor, argues Nick ClarkTwo recent...

Are world leaders finally acting on climate change?

Recent pledges from Joe Biden and other wealthy nations suggest deep emissions cuts are on the way. But they go nowhere near what’s needed argues James Supple

The Pilbara strike—how Aboriginal workers defied forced labour and exploitation

A historic strike by Aboriginal workers in Western Australia 75 years ago against brutal oppression and forced labour won dignity and improved conditions writes Paddy Gibson

McAlevey’s union organising model decentres rank-and-file activity

Marcus Banks, NTEU delegate at RMIT university, looks at the organising model developed by union organiser Jane McAlevey

Palestine strikes ‘from the river to the sea’ to defy Israeli terror

Palestinians are fighting back against Israeli terror. On 18 May, they held a general strike across Israel and the occupied territories.

Budget spending can’t hide Liberals’ big business, fossil fuel agenda

The Liberals are preparing for the next election by spending money on issues that have hurt them in recent months—aged care and violence against women. But their budget offers no real solutions and is riddled with nasty measures that illustrate their real agenda.

Youth survivors on the march against Morrison’s ongoing failure on sexism

A crowd of 200 people, most of them high school students and young women, gathered at Sydney Town Hall yesterday to protest Scott Morrison’s ongoing failure to act on sexism.

‘He was treated like a dog’: Bailey Mackander’s father on his son’s death in custody

Solidarity spoke with Bailey’s father David Mackander on the first day of the inquest into Bailey’s death held at the Lidcombe Coroner’s Court

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