
Families lead Kempsey march against deaths in custody to kick off weekend of action

Over 200 people joined a young, energetic rally in Kempsey last Friday, the home of Dunghutti man David Dungay Jnr, who was killed in Long Bay Jail in 2015.

Black Lives Matter: Unite against a system of racism and inequality

The rebellion against racism and police brutality in the US has found echoes all around the world.

Eyewitness from LA: Burning rage engulfs the US in rebellion against racism

The combination of the public health crisis, with the pandemic killing people of colour at the highest rates, the economic misery many face due to lockdowns, and Trump’s catastrophic leadership have created a tinderbox which Floyd’s execution set aflame.

Rebellion against racist cops and a racist system sweeps the US

Night after night of mass protests and riots have swept the US following the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis.

‘The video of George Floyd took me back to when I saw my uncle’s death’

Paul Silva, whose uncle David Dungay Jr died in custody in disturbingly similar circumstances to George Floyd in Minneapolis, sends a message of solidarity to the uprising in the US.

Ten years of fighting racism and fascism in Greece

Mark Goudkamp spoke to KEERFA founder Petros Constantinou following the organisation's conference in Athens in OctoberKEERFA this year is marking ten years since its formation. Can you explain why...

How Greek anti-racists beat back fascists of Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn, a violent neo-Nazi party in Greece, grew rapidly following the economic collapse after 2009. But now, according to Petros Constantinou, a key figure in the anti-racist and anti-fascist movement KEERFA, “the rise of Golden Dawn is over.”

UQ protests feed into xenophobia against China

Protests that began as a show of solidarity with Hong Kong have turned into a xenophobic campaign against “Chinese influence” at the University of Queensland.

The Australian roots of the Christchurch massacre

Paddy Gibson explores some of the Australian roots of the murderous ideology of fascist terrorist Brenton Tarrant

Liberals’ racism feeds fascists and the far right

In early January 150 racists and fascists gathered at St Kilda beach in Melbourne, boasting that it would be “Cronulla 2.0” where they would “reclaim the beach” and recreate the racist riot of 2005.

Morrison uses Bourke Street attack to spread racism and fear

Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton have again blamed the Muslim community and spread fear and racism following the violent attack in Melbourne's Bourke Street last Friday.

Migrant workers—a proud history of union struggle

The history of migrant workers’ struggles in Australia shows that they are not simply victims of exploitation but potential trade union militants, argues James Supple

Sudanese youth step up the fight against racist media and politicians

A defiant 500-strong protest led by South Sudanese youth and students stood up to the barrage of government and media racism, rallying on Saturday 28 July against Channel 7.

Warning for the left as racist right brought to power in Italy

“The good times for illegals are over. Get ready to pack your bags”, said Italy’s new Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, head of the far right League. One of his first moves was to refuse to allow a rescue boat carrying 600 asylum seekers from Africa to land in Italy.

White South African farmers—racists on the march

If you want an example of how the respectable racism at the top of society shapes racism more broadly and encourages the far right, look no further than the campaign for white South African farmers being waged by the likes of Peter Dutton, Alan Tudge and WA Liberal MP Andrew Hastie.

Don’t blame immigration for overcrowding and failing services

Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton have begun campaigning to cut immigration, whipping up a scare about population growth. But the real problem is the way governments and business have refused to pay for the infrastructure to accommodate this growth.

Editorial: As polls keep falling, Dutton summons the ghost of white Australia

On 2 April, Malcolm Turnbull will equal Tony Abbott’s 30 negative Newspolls with the Coalition far behind Labor. In response the government is stepping up its racism in a desperate effort to find some support.

States of exclusion

The nation state with distinct borders is a recent idea, tied up with the development of capitalism. Phil Marfleet, writing from Europe, looks at how the ruling class uses them.

Being black is not a crime, says Melbourne rally

“They are playing political games and it is not right”, the South Sudanese Community Association’s Richard Deng told a protest of 400 people in Melbourne in early February.

Trump steps up racist attack on immigrants

In his year in office, Donald Trump has shown again and again that he’s a racist bigot. Now he’s escalating his attack on immigrants.

Racist campaign against Sudanese is the real crime

The media panic about “African gangs” went into overdrive in January, as news outlets including Murdoch’s Herald-Sun in Melbourne declared “an explosion of African gang crime”.

Austria turns to the right as fascists join government

The Austrian election in October showed the dangerous growth of racism and the far right in Europe. The conservative People’s Party headed by Sebastian Kurz will form a coalition government with the fascist Freedom Party, which gained 26 per cent of the vote.

Trump, racism and the alt-right: Is fascism on the rise?

Racist populists and far right parties are breaking through in elections across the US and Europe. How do we drive them back, asks James Supple

Far right enters German parliament

The far right has entered the German parliament for the first time since 1945, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) winning 12.6 per cent of the vote to become the third largest party.

Players defy Trump as anti-racist protests sweep the NFL

Football fields, baseball pitches and basketball courts across the US have transformed into the latest political battlegrounds against racism, police violence and President Donald Trump.

US rejects Trump and the far right after murder in Charlottesville

On 12 August a white supremacist ploughed his car into counter-protesters in Charlottesville, killing anti-fascist activist Heather Heyer. This was the shocking end result of the most significant mobilisation of the US far right in recent memory.

Dutton’s citizenship changes a racist attack on migrants

The Coalition’s citizenship changes are facing defeat in parliament, after Labor’s decision to oppose them. Labor’s move is a welcome shift, after Bill Shorten initially suggested he might accept them, and months of hesitation.

Macron’s victory in France won’t stop the fascist Le Pen

France’s historic presidential battle between fascist Marine Le Pen and neo-liberal Emmanuele Macron may be over, but the crisis in French politics that produced this remarkable contest is far from resolved.

Hanson’s influence aided and abetted by major parties

In 2016, Pauline Hanson made her way back into parliament for the first time since 1998, obtaining 9 per cent of the Senate vote in Queensland. Despite her many electoral defeats over this time, the racism at the core of Hanson’s politics has never gone away. Instead it has become part of mainstream politics.

Turnbull and Shorten mimic Trump’s racist campaign

Donald Trump’s election shows the political danger when disgust with the system is pulled to the right. It is already having its effect on Australian politics.

Dutton channels Trump in racist attack on Lebanese

Australian politicians have been trying Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric on for size since his election victory. For Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, famous for joking about Pacific Islands drowning in rising seas and calling refugee pregnancy on Nauru “a racket”, it hasn’t been too much of a stretch.

Trump’s win shows the danger of racist right

Trump’s victory has sent shock and disbelief across the world. His election has emboldened Pauline Hanson and far right parties everywhere.

Liberals’ embrace legitimises Hanson’s racism

The Essential poll showing 49 per cent support for Pauline Hanson’s call to ban Muslim immigration caused widespread shock. Even if it slightly exaggerates the figure, it’s clear there is a pressing need to combat Islamophobia. Hanson is far from solely responsible for this.

Black Lives Matter protests rage against racist police

Thousands have taken to the streets of US cities in a new wave of Black Lives Matter protests, enraged by the police murder of two more black men.

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